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Every single person in the room turned their heads to Jade, her brother and friends wished her luck as she stood. Four walked over to the designated door and kindly held it open for Jade, she thanked him with a wink and walked out the room. He followed and closed the door behind him. Jade looked around and could see a very large dome shaped open auditorium with, as pictured, a chair dead center of the room. Faction members of all kinds stood behind screens and a few behind desks. Jade walked slowly beside Four towards the reclined chair, she looked slightly to her right and spotted every single faction leader behind another screen.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Why are all of the faction leaders here?" Jade asks Four in a whisper, even though the loud sound of chatter and technology-like sounds filled the room. "It's a new requirement each year, and each year they monitor a different factions final stage testing. For example they monitored the new transfers of Candor last year, this year it's Dauntless they're 'monitoring'." Four tells her, by now they were almost to the chair. "Don't you think that's a little suspicious?" Jade asks him, Four nods his head. "It's very suspicious actually." He says as they approach the chair, Jade takes a seat and pulls her legs over and onto the mildly uncomfortable orange glowing chair. Four takes her hand in his, "You can do this Jade, I know you can. Remember, think brave." He says and kisses her knuckles before leaving her to stand behind the sidelines.

Jade smiles and is heart warmed that the love of her life was by her side, supporting and motivating her through it all. Soon, all pleasant feelings are once again thrown out the door when she sees her original administrator Tori, with gloves on and a syringe in her hand. Jade flips her hair and tilts her head to give Tori access to her neck. Jade winces at the feeling of the long needle entering her neck, injecting, and then be pulled out. "Good luck Jade, you're gonna need it." Tori whispers as Jade lays her head back.

Tori's face is then the last face Jade sees before inevitably fading unconscious. Suddenly her adrenaline rises, sweat begins to form against her forehead and her heart began to beat just a bit faster. She then realizes she's running, she's running through a fairly familiar and barely sun lit forest. She could hear the sound of heavily armed men shouting and snapping tree twigs behind her as she dodged tree after tree. She is momentarily stopped by her hair getting caught on branch but, she manages to free herself and continues to run.

Eventually she's force to a stop again due to a very large mountain with nothing but a deep, dark stone cave opening facing her. She hesitated at first but, remembers she's being pursued, and quickly descends into the caves skin crawling darkness. For Jade, the air was damp and her feet splashed throughout puddles forming on the caves ground. Soon Jade is lowered down into a crouching position due to the shrinking size of the cave, her heart races as her mind clutched onto any type of positive and calming thoughts. She was now forced to crawl through a small hole, and luckily, it didn't get any smaller then that.

She kept crawling and crawling until the terrain underneath her hands and knees changed. She was able to crouch around in the familiar little metal room. And as anticipated, the walls begin to close in on her. She knew it wasn't real but when she looked around on the ground, no nails where to be found, which caused the fear for Jade to set in. She began to panic and ran a hand through her hair, only for it to be caught. But not by an annoying hair tangle but by something solid.

She picks it out her hair and looks at it, and is surprised to see it was -not a stick-, but a piece of thick branch. She quickly breaks off the unwanted thin pieces and places the piece of wood between the now, very close walls. And fortunately the wood holds and the walls stop and then suddenly, they vanish. Jade is now in a sitting position inside of an unfamiliar dark apartment inside of Dauntless. She tries to move but looks down and realizes her hands and legs were bound to the chair she was sitting in with duck tape.

Twin Image (A Divergent Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora