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Jade stares to her right, up at the fairly tall young man beside her. She scans every detail of Liam's face and appearance, and there was really only one physical feature that really stood out in similarity; his eyes. They were hazel just like hers but, she couldn't find any other similarities other than the fact he too was Divergent. He's the same height as Four and had dark brown, short loose curls. After hearing they shared a dangerous and rare DNA 'irregularity', she took in the possibility that Liam could in fact be their biological little brother. But she wasn't completely convinced after taking a glance at both of his hands, only because no golden band was to be seen.

And plus his name was Liam, not William. And even though it's pretty obvious he could have chopped the name William in half and could now be going by Liam, Miles nor Jade realized that. Four steps closer to all of them, "Yes take as much time as you need to absorb the fact that you are not alone, and as all of you should already know, each and every one of you are in danger. Now, I highly suggest you all keep a low profile, especially in front of the Dauntless leaders. You may have passed the stages for initiation, but that doesn't mean you're all in the clear. And I also suggest you befriend one another if you have not already done so, Divergent's are ultimately stronger together. Lookin at you Liam, because I already know these three here are already acquainted. Got that?" Four asks them, the "twins" nod while Liam looks to his left at both of them, he seemed to be taking in their appearances. Throughout all of the family conspiracy's in air and all the secrets being exposed, Jade could just barely notice Tris had her eyes locked on Four. And that sparkle, that god forsaken glint Jade could see was a bit too familiar. It was the same glint Jade would give Four in the days she was falling for him.

She repeatedly blinked her eyes in disbelief and focused on Tris as Miles and Liam continuously questioned Four. And she tuned out the three of them, only because her attention was stuck on her blonde friend. She decided to shrug off what she witnessed and focused in on the flying answers and questions her brother, boyfriend and Liam where throwing at each other. "How our we safer when you literally just told another Dauntless member we don't even know about all three of us? We don't know if we can trust this Dauntless-Born." Miles argues looking at Liam defensively, Liam is obviously taken aback. "Woah woah woah there transfer, didn't you hear the man? I'm just as inconclusive as you are so I suggest you take a step back and watch who you judge. I'm not the threat here hippy." Liam retorts back at Miles, and the two stare each other down.

"I wouldn't call me that if I were you. And anyways, how the hell do you know we came from Amity?" Miles asks through his teeth behind Jade, his sister placed a hand on his chest as he tried to step forward. "That's besides the point here. And it's not like you're gonna do anything about it hippy." Liam spat back at Miles, stepping to the side in attempts to get around Jade to get to her brother. But she steps to the side along with him and places a her other hand on his chest, trying her best to keep the two away from each other. Liam smacks her arm off of him and gets in her face, but the aggressive act doesn't faze Jade's serious expression. "Look, now is not the time to be bashing heads, so i suggest both of you," She pauses and looks back at Miles. "Stop being so fucking immature and act like you got some damn sense! It doesn't matter if we can trust each other or not, if one of us rats we all die. We got Candors Truth serum to thank for that." Jade yells, but makes sure to lower her voice when necessary. "She's right you know," Four starts, "Dauntless Leadership has access to any all use of serums from any faction. If any one of you rats they'll use the truth serum on you, which forces you to be honest about any and all questions asked. No matter how hard you try not to, you'll end up ratting yourself out. So there's no point." Four chimes in, it falls silent between the five of them.

"Now that that's clear I'm pretty sure you guys can trust each other and get along fine," Four pauses, "Remember what I said about low profiles, but other then that that's all for now. Tris and Miles you two may get to where you need to be, Jade and Liam please follow me." Four instructs, Miles wished his sister good luck and sent her off with a hug just before him and Tris head off in a different direction. Jade quickly tries to catch up with Four, but unfortunately, Liam speeds up next to Jade before she could get beside him. She rolls her eyes, "so Jade, since I guess me, you, the blondie and Mr. Judgmental got a little something in common, I guess It'd be best if we got to know each other better right?" Liam suggests, Jade furrows her eyebrows as to how and why he went from a Dauntless-Born stereotype, to an actual human being in less then five seconds. "Okay first off, Mr. Judgmental just so happens to be my brother Miles and the blondie just so happens to be my friend Tris, so fuck off with the sappy nicknames. Secondly, when does a Dauntless-Born ever actually want to be friends with ex-transfers? You made it pretty clear 'never' was the answer to that less than a minute ago." Jade questions him confused, Liam chuckles a bit. "Damn, defensive much? And with that it's just, your brother took one look at me and thought I'd be the one to snitch. It hit a nerve, that's all." Liam simply explained.

"Well, would you be?" Jade asks raising an eyebrow at him, he scoffs and shakes his head. "Does it look like I wanna die?" He counters her question, causing for the both of them to burst into laughter. Four looks behind him at the two laughing, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Even though, he did say they needed to befriend each other for the sake of their safety here at Dauntless. He just didn't think it'd happen so fast considering earlier's confrontation.

The trio continued through Dauntless headquarters until finally they entered the familiar white corridor with chairs lining the sides, and a door at the other end. The fear simulation testing room. Jade dreaded every second spent in this room during initiation and she wasn't sure if she was going to enjoy the next. She sat down in the chair right next to the bulky levered door. On the inside Jade guessed it had to be Peter being tested by Tori. Considering Rose was sitting impatiently on the other side of the waiting room, and Edward was no where to be found, suggesting he had already been tested. Liam sat down next to rose, leaving Jade by herself.

She watched as the red-head across the room eyed Four as he entered the testing room, surprisingly she was unfazed by this. Only because more important things clouded her mind, one being the fact her long lost brother could possibly be somewhere within Dauntless Headquarters, or maybe, just maybe, he could possibly be right in front of her, next to the insufferable, red-headed Rose. There was no solid evidence pointing to Liam being her and her brother's younger sibling but, there was definitely a gut feeling that Jade had every time she'd set eyes on him. Just then, the fear simulation room door opened, and Peter walked out with a cocky look on his face. Out behind him came Four, "Rose, come on in." He called to her, Rose stood from her seat batting her eyelashes, directing a smile at Four as she walked passed him inside the room. And even though Four seemed unfazed, Jade now oozed with jealousy at the red heads actions towards her boyfriend.

Liam then switched over to sit next to Jade, "hey I was won- Woooaaah, you seem a little red there Jade." Liam comments, inevitably making her laugh a bit. "Yeah well, that's what happens when self-absorbed red-headed chicks try and get my boyfriends attention." Jade replies coldly, Liam tilts his head at her. "You mean Rose? Oh yeah she's been dying to get into number dudes pants, she even told me herself just now. I don't think she knows you're his girl though. By the way, your spot on with the self-absorbed part, the only thing on that girls mind is Rose. And apparently your boyfriend.-" Liam tells her, and Jade's face contorts and heats up as she realizes she's probably in there flirting up a storm with him. "When she comes out could you walk her to the door and tell her for me? Since you two are buddy-buddy already." Jade asks Liam, he agrees as they continue to go back and forth basically asking questions about one another. "My mother is from Amity, and my father was originally Dauntless-born just like you, till he chose Amity and met my mother. Me and Miles were born and raised there until me and him decided to leave. Our parents supported us of our decision." Jade answered his latest question, "Lucky you. My Mom used to tell me to leave Dauntless, and choose Amity. To live a more peaceful and less dangerous life and see what possibilities are out there, I did considered it but, I eventually decided to stay. Sometimes I wonder how my life could've ended up like If I listened to her final wish and left Dauntless." Liam replied sorrowfully.

Jade looks at him the moment he says 'final wish', now realizing his mother passed away. "Oh Liam, I'm so sorry for your loss." She apologizes, "But, I can't imagine why, don't get me wrong I love my faction of origin but, I think Dauntless is the most thrilling Faction out of the five. I mean yeah it isn't safe but you won't get as much freedom as you would here with the other factions. That's what my father would always tell me." Jade says, and she assumes what she said had touched Liam from the next few moments of silence. "Huh, that's funny," he starts, "that's exactly what my Aunt tells me." Liam replied back softly, instantly catching Jade's attention. She looks closely into his eyes, and somehow she becomes even more convinced that this young man beside her, was indeed her little brother. But, unfortunately, the proof was not yet in the pudding. "Liam," She pauses, "Can I ask you something?" Jade builds up the courage, and tries to form the proper question to gather her needed proof.

"Yeah what's up?" He replies running a hand through his hair, Jade searches his hazel eyes and opens her mouth to speak. "I was wondering, when-," She's interrupted by the testing room door being swung open, and Four stepping out to hold it for prissy Ms. Rose. Jade cringed at the sultry-like 'thank you' she gives Four before fully walking out of threshold of the door. Jade then looks to Liam and back up at Rose as she walks by, gesturing for him to go do what she asked of him. "Jade you're up next." Four calls as Liam stands to walk Rose out, Jade also stands and tries to prepare herself for what is about to come next.

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