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The next morning the initiates were woken up by the sound of metal banging against metal, causing mostly everyone to jump awake from their slumber. It was Four, standing next to the stairs railing with a short pole in his hand, "I want everyone in the pit, two minutes." He demands. And made his way back up the stairs as everyone got dressed and made their way to the pit. Four approached the group as they ascended out the halls of Dauntless, "There are two stages of training, the first is physical. Push your bodies to the breaking point, and master the methods of combat." Four began, slowly pacing back and forth in front of the initiates. "The second is mental, again breaking point, face your worst fears and conquer them; unless they get you first." Four sets his eyes with Miles, practically challenging him, earning a faint eye roll from non other then Miles himself.

He continues, "You'll be trained separately from the Dauntless born, but you'll be ranked together. After Initiation, ranking will determine what jobs you move into, Leadership, guarding the fence, or keeping the Factionless from killing eachother." Four explains. "Rankings will also determine who gets cut." Says the blonde, blue eyed, pierced, and tatted devil sitting on the large piece of cement across from them. Jade looked up at Miles afraid and confused, "Cut?" She asked aloud. Eric gets up, "At the end of each stage of training the lowest ranking initiates will be leaving us." Eric clarified, "To do what?" Al asked confused as well. "There's no going home to your families so you'll live Factionless." Eric explains, "uh, why didn't we know that?" Will steps out and questions, Eric steps forward.

"Its a new rule," - "a new rule?! Somebody should've told us that." Christina argues. "Why? Would you have chosen differently?" He pauses, "Out of fear? I mean if that's the case, you might as well get out now. If you're really one of us it won't matter to you that you might fail. You chose us, now we get to choose you." Eric finishes. Soon after that all the initiates are dismissed and sent out to training, doing combat drills with each other. But most of the ones training inside are Dauntless born, Jade and the rest of the other Initiates are now outside on the roof. Orange human-like targets are set up and everyone has a loaded weapon in their hands, Jade aims hers carefully with her left eye and shoots.

She skims the very bottom of the target and sucks her teeth in disappointment at her lousy aiming. "Aim with your dominant eye." A familiar voice says from behind her, she looks back to see Four crouching down next to her. "And considering from that last shot, and the way your holding that gun, I'm pretty positive your right eye is your dominant eye, instead of your left." He explains, and oddly enough he couldn't help but smile as he watched her look down at her weapon with a funny face. He gently guided her hands onto the gun and properly positioned it on her left arm. She tilted her head to aim and closed her left eye, "use your breathing to guide you." Four says, "shoot on exhale, got it?" He asks. Jade nodded, "Inhale," Four instructs, "Concentrate," Jade lines up the shot, "Exhale." She focused on the target and the feeling of her own breath exiting from her lips. She squeezed the trigger and watched as the bullet flew straight towards the bright orange target, and embedded itself directly into the head. Jade looked up from the gun and smiled widely at the target, even her brother and all her friends had stopped shooting to look over at Jade's target. She looked back at a fairly proud Four, "No wonder you're an Instructor." Jade complimented. Four's eyes fell to the floor and a smile crept up onto his lips, "Thank you, I'm glad to help." He kindly responded just before standing to review the next initiate.

Soon after they finished practicing on the roof they make their way down, change, and are now outside running laps around Dauntless Headquarters, following Fours lead. Four started in the direction of a couple of armed Dauntless members. The initiates fell back as Four left to speak with the armed soldier-like members who happened to be watching the Factionless. They put up a huge camp underneath a nearby buildings Ramada. Peter pushed out from behind all of the other transfers, and came in between Tris and Jade, resting both of his arms around her and Tris's shoulder. "Check it out you two, that's gonna be your guys new family; Go say hi." Jade shoved Peters arm off her shoulder and began to head back along with everyone else. Once everyone got back inside Jade noticed Four, along with another male Dauntless member beginning to stretch on one of the matted arena's.

Jade watched him very carefully from the sidelines, she studied the way he moved in combat. Four was swift, strong, and seemingly anticipated his opponents every move and countered it. At one point he had to head-butt his opponent in order to escape his grip. His opponent managed to get a few swings in but he was no match for Four. Soon their instructor ended up hitting the guy directly in his chest, causing for him to fall back into Jade, knocking her down in the process.

The writhing Dauntless member was too injured to even help himself back up, let alone help Jade up. Four realized what happened and unhesitatingly came to her aid. She noticed how fast he was to help another and it literally shouted 'Stiff' but, Jade had no intentions of addressing him on that any time soon and thanked him regardless. "I have to say," she started, watching as Four lifted and used his shirt to wipe the sweat off his face, exposing his glistening abdomen. Inevitably catching Jade off guard, and nearly causing her to lose her train of thought. "You're uh... really good at fighting. I was so impressed you literally knocked me off my feet there." Jade casually joked, noticing the smile form on his face.

"Yeah, didn't realize I hit him that hard. Thanks though. And I'm sorry but what was your name again?" Four asked, he felt horrible for not remembering the first jumpers name. Especially after receiving a compliment from her. Of course Jade was slightly offended but, she couldn't hold it against him considering the amount of people he deals with all day. "Oh no worries, it's Jade. And you're welcome Three," Jade said with a cheeky smile on her face, walking past him, poking his chest. Four turned to watch her walk away, "It's Four!" He shouted, "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot!" She playfully shouted back making her way over to Miles on the second matted arena. Four stood there with a smile on his face, just before shaking his head and turning back to help up his opponent.

All of the transfers did drills of hitting eachothers forearms to build hand-eye coordination. After a while, Eric came to the middle arena, "First Jumper, in the ring. Last Jumper, in the ring." He orders, Jade was confused but she gets into the ring with who she assumes to be Molly. She was a short haired brunette, and she was strong boned. Jade took some time to stretch as everyone gathered around the arena. Molly puts her fists up, and Jade did as well, "How long do we fight for?" Molly asks. "Until one of you can't continue," Eric answers, "Or one of you concedes." Four adds stepping forward next to Eric.

"According to the old rules, to the new rules, no one concedes." Eric corrects. "You really wanna lose one to their first fight?" Four whispers to Eric, "Well, a brave man never surrenders." Eric replies, Four scoffs. "Luckily for you, those weren't the rules when we fought." Four retorted. Eric's smile turned into a small scowl, "You'll be scored on this so fight hard." Eric says ignoring Fours comment. Jade happened to hear their little conversation and had to stifled a laugh at Four's last comment, upsetting Eric even more then he already was.

Jade quickly puts her hair up into a ponytail as Molly slowly comes forward, she swung for her head and Jade just barely dodges it. She gathered all her force and took a swing into Molly's gut, disabling her for a good while. Jade took advantage of that and tackled Molly to the floor, the short haired brunette grunted and tried her best to stop Jade from pinning her down. Unfortunately, she overpowered Jade when she decided to sink her nails into Jade's arms. Molly desperately held both arms down onto the mat as Jade forcefully struggled against her; but then she stilled, just before ramping her knee directly into the girls crotch, as if she were a male predator.

Molly shrieked in pain and slightly loosened her grip, Jade took a second to think and decided to attempt the same as Four did with his opponent earlier, and aggressively head butted Molly. Regaining the ability to stand, she realized her face was definitely throbbing. Luckily no pain could be felt due to the amount of adrenaline rushing through her veins. She focused back on the task at hand as best as she could and looked at Eric as Molly writhed in pain on the mat in front of them. He made a gesture towards Molly, insisting her to continue. But the Amity inside her fought its way out and allowed for Molly to at least get on her feet. Jade decided to back up to get a running start just before jumping up into the air, pulling her fist back and forcefully launching it directly into Molly's jaw, causing her opponents body to once again meet with the mat.

Jade stepped off the mat and looked Eric up and down while wiping blood from her own nose, and walked towards her friends and brother. Everyone was beyond shocked, especially Chris. "How..? You knocked her out cold! And she's like, twice your size Jade!" Christina questions loudly, allowing the Candor in her to ooze out a bit. "I honestly don't know, I just.. did it. My face really hurts though." Jade answers touching the knot on her forehead as the rest of her friends congratulate her on her big win.

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