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~Jade's POV~

Before me and my family could even make it to the stairs, Johanna had kindly beckoned for my parents. Me, my brother's, and my aunt looked to them inquisitively. Our parents had even looked at each other the same, "Go on ahead." Our mother says,  and she makes eye contact with me and Miles, "you two could show your brother and aunt around the house while we speak with Johanna." She suggests with a smile. And I smile as well at the idea, and nod. I head down the stairs first with Miles behind me, and him and I both lead the way to our beloved home.

Once again, any and all Amity members avoided our path as we just casually talked and walked towards our destination. I noticed something though, or I should say, someone. As we were walking, an Amity girl on her porch, who seemed to be just a little bit younger than I, looked up at us. And she didn't give us that, furrowed brow, wrinkled nose, confused glare as expected. She got, excited, and a grin slid up onto her face as she sat up to watch us pass by.

She and I made eye contact, and I decided to wave at her. She waved back just before I turned a corner, and she was blocked out of my sight, hidden by another house. I turn my head from her direction and notice I was steps away from home. I walk up the familiar wooden porch, and glide my fingertips over the dark wooden railings. I watch as Miles steps in front of the door, opens it, and holds it open for me, our aunt and our brother.

The moment I walk in the familiar smell of vanilla and honey fills my nose, and the hiss of a tea kettle fills my ears, getting louder and louder. "Mother left something on!" I say and I race into the kitchen, and quickly lift the steam blowing, water spewing tea kettle off the burner, and I also turn the stove off. I shake my head with a smile, remembering all the times she had done that before. Before me and Miles had left. "Just like the old times, right?" Miles says from behind me, and I laugh.

"Come on, let's give these two the grand tour." He insists, and I nod. We show them our room first, and by our room, I mean me and Miles's nursery. I only knew our parents had never changed nor touched it because our little multi-colored hand prints where still on the door. One vertical line of hands were pink, and the other line was blue. At the bottom of the door laid the smallest hand print, and at the top laid the biggest.

I remember dipping the palm of my hand in paint and placing the higher up ones but, I don't remember placing the lower and smaller ones. But then I do remember something, I remember that our parents made it a tradition for us to put a hand print on our door every other birthday of ours. And the reason I don't remember the smaller ones is because I was young. And now I'm too old to remember. Miles opens the door to our nursery, and as expected, I see our cribs.

One on either side of the medium sized room, with the same bookshelf in between. Although, their were more toys and activities then books on the shelf. I walk over to my crib, and I can see all of my old favorite toys neatly lined up against the sides. I smile and pick up the one and only toy that sat in the middle. It was a pink bear and it had a white belly and black eyes.

I then remember all the times Miles would try and run over the sweet looking bear with his little toy cars when we were little. I held the little bear and walk over to Miles, who happened to be showing Liam the exact set of cars I was thinking about. I smile, and then I spot something on the shelf, "Oooh Miles, look what I found." I say, and I grab this soft, light blue blanket which laid right on top. Miles looks at me, and spots the blanket. "Oh my god, is that what I think it is?" He says in disbelief, and I hand him the blanket.

Liam looks at the blanket with a curious expression. "It sure is, it's your Me-Me, or at least, that's what you'd call it." (Pronounced ME-ME, not meme. >.<)  I say, and I hear Liam stifle a laugh as he turned away to hide his face. "Me-Me? Really?" He asks Miles, and Miles rolled his eyes, "Ha. Ha. Hilarious, Yes my childhood blankie is named Me-Me. Don't hate." Miles responds in a sassy tone. He then turned around, and whips the blanket over his shoulder, whacking Liam in the face with the other end. Liam gasped and almost instantly, a mischievous smile slid onto his face.

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