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Alice's POV

The sound of my brothers alarm clock blaring is what woke me from my sleep and that could only mean one thing.


First day back and we were now in sixth form. Oh the joy. Slowly removing the covers from my body, I sat up slowly and swung my legs over my bed.

I turned my head slightly to look behind me as I heard light knocking on my door and it opened slowly.

I was greeted by my older brother Otis, he gave me a smile. "Good morning, Ally. Ready for the school year?"

"Not really. I can't believe Mum is making me go to Sixth form with you. I doubt another year of school is going to make me smart. I barely passed my tests last year. Why is she making me go through it all again?"

Otis's friendly smile turned into one of sympathy as he leaned forward. "She's just trying to give you that extra push. She knows you're capable of so much more than what you've shown."

"Really? Because it feels like I'm going to humiliate myself."

Otis sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "The only way you'll do that, is if you let yourself feel humiliated. You fall down? So what? Everyone falls, just laugh and stand back up. You fail a test? It's not the end of the world is it? There are more important things in life than tests. As long as you try your best, there's not much more you can do is there? Just do your best because Ally, that's all you can do."

I nodded my head slowly, letting my brothers words sink in. I stood up and walked straight to my closet, pulling out dark blue skinny jeans and a Fall Out Boy shirt.

"All I can do is my best, so why not start by dressing the best way I can. Casual and comfortable. Not about the latest style but my style."

"That's it." Otis praised. "See you downstairs in five? Eric will be here soon, he wants to show off his new car."


Otis closed my bedroom door and I quickly undressed out of my PJs and into today's outfit. I did the usual, boring morning routine before walking downstairs with a smile on my face.

"Good morning Alice." Mum smiled at me from the kitchen table. "You seem unusually happy.."

"Fresh start ain't it? New school year, new me. Time to live the life I choose."

"You watch too much Lost Girl." Otis said as he took a bite of toast.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, if everything goes to plan then I'll be heading out to college and uni, y'know...The real world? None of this fake school shit."

"Watch your language darling." Mum sighed as she turned to the next page of the newspaper. "Oh, Dears. I have a group of women coming over for a vaginal group chat so, just letting you know in advance they will more than likely be here when you get back."


"Lovely." Otis and I spoke at the same time.

 Our Mum was a sex therapist, none of this was  new to us but we still didn't really want to know all of the things she talks about, although to be quite honest, it is nice to know these things so we can make plans to not be in the house...Be alright if I was Otis..He'll be with Eric...I will be...On my own probably.

As I grabbed a slice of toast, the sound of a car beeping could be heard outside.

"Come on Alice, that'll be Eric." Otis said quickly as he hugged Mum.

"Bye Mum."

"Bye Darling." She replied.

"Bye Mum." I waved with a mouth full of toast.

"Bye sweetheart. Have a good day."

"I will."

I won't. As soon as we got to school it seemed like everything would go great. Assembly went smoothly, first lesson went great..Second was awkward but then break came and  the first thing that happend when I walked outside was I got kicked in the face with a football and I spent the first ten minutes of break in the nurses office, trying to stop the bleeding...Some start to the school year this was.

Once I was finished in the nurses office I was instantly greeted by people laughing and pointing at me.

I hated being the centre of attention, especially in a bad way. My phone vibrated so I quickly pulled it out. I unlocked it to see that someone had filmed the moment I was hit with the football.

Tears filled my eyes and so I quickly walked out of the school and towards the abandoned toilets just outside of the school.

I let out a loud groan of fustration but I jumped slightly when I saw Otis stood there with a girl I recognised but didn't know the name of.

"Alice?" He asked concerned. "What happend?" He asked walking towards me and gently cupping my face, inspecting my swollen nose.

"Nothing happend." I lied.

"She got hit with a football." The girl said crossing her arms.

"If you'd look at your phone, you'd see." A different voice said from one of the stalls.

"What the..."

"Ignore him. Anyways, why are you here?" The girl asked. "Who are you?"

"She's my sister." Otis answered. "Why are you here?"

"I could ask you the same thing."

"I'm just helping someone out."

"With what?"

I heard a sigh come from the stall and moving around, then another familiar face poked his head out over the top of the stall.

"You know Aimee? Course you do, Aimee broke up with me because I couldn't finish when we were fucking so I took viagra and now my dick is angry as fuck. My big dick, is bigger than usual and it burns."

"Jesus....How many did you take?"

"Three." Otis, the girl and the boy said at the same time.

"You're an idiot."

"Finally someone agrees." The girl said leaning against the wall.

The guy slowly lowered himself and he hissed in pain. The girl rolled her eyes and rubbed her forhead.

"Why are you staring at me?" She snapped at me.

"I'm not?"

"Yes, yes you are. Tell your werid sister to stop looking at me."

"I'm not looking at you!"

"Yeah you are. What? Is it because you're up close to Cockbiter? Is that it?"

Cockbiter. I didn't pay much attention to the rumours that went around but the name cockbiter stuck around and it was that moment I realised who I was with.

Maeve Wiley. Famously known as Cockbiter.

"Haha. Cockbiter." The guy in the stall laughed.

"You can shut the fuck up Adam. It's no wonder Aimee broke up with you. You're an idiot."

"Atleast I don't go around biting cocks." He fired back.

"Fuck off you asshole."

I sighed and looked at Otis who shrugged his shoulders. I glared at him and he soon got the picture.

"Let's just calm down...We're here to help Adam, not cause more problems. Now then Adam...Let's see."

As Otis gave advice to Adam, I felt eyes on me the entire time and I could tell it was Maeve. I glanced over at her a couple of times and she rolled her eyes, I didn't know what her problem was but it was pissing me off so I was thankful when I heard Adam speak.

"It's going down."

A/N: Sorry for the rather rushed part, I know this doesn't happen from the off but I didn't know how else to start it. I hope you enjoy reading this story!

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