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Alice's POV

At The Party

Otis, Eric and I had arrived literally before everyone else and it was awkward for us to be be stood just outside Aimee's home. Even worse, just stood outside of her giant gate. Luckily, Maeve soon arrived and it turns out her and Aimee are friends so it didn't matter that we were early.

I hated how everyone gave Eric weird looks for how he was dressed, sure, it was a little OTT but there was no need to laugh or stare.

During the party, we all ended up splitting up. Eric tried to talk to people, Otis went to use his therapist skills, Maeve went god knows where and I...I just sat on the sofa and drank my beer.

"Hey, aren't you Otis's sister?"

I looked up to see a guy with a shaven head looking down at me. He looked scruffy too, his shirt was a mess and his jeans were ripped in an uncool way and I don't even want to know what former brand his shoes were...They looked like they were from the eighties.

"What's it to you?" I didn't mean to be rude but in situations like this I get nervous.

"I was just asking a question." He said annoyed. "What's up?"

"Nothing, why?"

"You were rude to me for asking a question."

"Well I'm sorry for that."

"'S alright. You wanna do a line with me?"

I raised my eyebrows and looked at him in shock. "Excuse me?"

"You wanna do a line? Snort some Coke? Get fucking buzzed?"

"No. No I do not. Go away."

"Come on, it'll be fun." He laughed as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up roughly.

"I said no. Please let go of my arm."

I tried to pull my arm away but he just tightened his grip. I could tell by the look in his eyes, he was getting angry.

"Come on Female Otis. Just one tiny line. It doesn't hurt. I promise."

"No!" I shouted.

Some people started to look and my heart began to pound. I hated having attention on me. I could tell we were causing a scene too, I didn't want to cause one. I just wanted this weirdo to leave me alone.

"Stop causing a scene and come do a fucking line with me. For fuck sake you bitch."

"She said no."

The guy let go of my arm as he was spun around. He soon staggered backwards and fell on to the sofa.

Maeve was stood in front of me, shaking her hand slightly. Jackson was stood behind her, looking impressed.

Judging by how her hair was a mess, I'd take a guess to say they had just fucked.


"No need to thank me, that guy is a creep and I've been itching for an excuse to hit him. It hurt a lot more than I anticipated though." She laughed weakly, holding her right hand with her left.

"I'll be right back." Jackson said looking from Maeve to me.

I placed my red plastic cup down and led Maeve into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

"Does Aimee have a first aid kit or something?" I asked looking through her cupboards.

"I dunno. Why?"

"Your knuckles." I replied turning my head slightly to look behind me at her. My eyes glanced down towards her hand and Maeve looked down at her now reddening knuckles.

"They're just red." She shrugged.

I crouched down and looked in the lower cupboards before standing up when I didn't find what I was looking for.

"They're also cut a little."


"So, they might get infected."

"I highly doubt that, they're not even bleeding. It's just a graze."

"Even a small graze can cause sepsis."

"Are you always this dramatic?"

"It's not being dramatic. It's called caring."

Maeve looked down and chewed her bottom lip. "There's an ice pack in the fridge and there's some TCP in the cupboard over there." She pointed to the far corner of the kitchen.

"Thank you." I said gratefully.

I got what I needed and placed it on the kitchen counter.

I went to grab Maeve's hand but she pulled away quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to help you?"

"Yeah but why you gotta grab my hand for?"

"Because you might pull it away. It will hurt so I gotta make sure you don't pull your hand away. Just give me your hand."

Maeve hesitated, she looked into my eyes, deciding what to do.

"Please. You're helping me with school...Let me help you with this. It's the least I can do." I smiled.

"Fine. Whatever. Oh and keep your voice down. I got a reputation to maintain." She replied seriously but I could see the smile that she was trying to hide.

I gently took her hand and placed the ice pack on her knuckles. She hissed in pain and instinctively tried to pull her hand away but I tightend my grip slightly.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

She soon relaxed as the pain started to go but as soon as I grabbed a cotton ball with TCP on and placed it on her knuckles, I was called every name under the sun.

"All done." I grinned.

"I hate you." She mumbled.

"No you don't."

"Yes, I do."

"Sure Maeve."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. It's what friends are for."

"We're friends?"

"I'd like to think so."

Maeve was about to speak but Jackson ran towards us.

"Eric is teaching Olivia and Ruby how to suck a dick...With a banana..."

"WHAT?!" I asked in shock.

"WHAT?!" Maeve asked laughing.

I groaned and dragged a hand down my face. Eric would do anything to get people to notice him and like him...But this...This was going to go bad...

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