Forty One

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Alice's POV

Maeve and I were waiting to get my nose done. We had told my Mum we were going for food and it wasn't entirely a lie, we were going for food...But I was also getting my nose pierced.

"Hey Jay, think you can handle the customer back there? I have to help this lady with a tattoo."

I heard lighter footsteps walking towards the room I was in, a familiar face walked into the room.


"Jasmine?" I asked confused. "I thought you worked in the shop."

"I do, but my uncle owns this place and I help out sometimes. Yes I'm qualified to do this, I'm still under training but its all above board."

"Don't wreck her nose. She has such a cute nose." Maeve said as she crossed her arms.

"You do, indeed." Jasmine laughed. "Okay so." She put some black gloves on and inspected my nose. "What do you want?"


"Alrighty." She opened a drawer and pulled out a silver ring. "So what I'm going to ask you to do is, close your eyes. When I pierce your nose, your eyes will water."

"Okay." I closed my eyes.

"Great. Okay. Here we go, nice deep breath in...And out."

I was surprised it didn't hurt that much, but my eyes did water alot, but Jasmine sorted that by wiping my eyes with a paper towel.

"You have slight bleeding going on. Hang on."

Jasmine gently dabbed my nose and I opened my eyes to see she was pretty close to my face.

Maeve coughed slightly, causing Jasmine to back away slightly.

"Bleeding is normal. Redness is normal. If it gets swollen that's perfectly normal too. Clean it twice a day with seasalt and lukewarm water. Any problems then come back and either I'll help you or my uncle or whoever else is around."

We walked out of the room, back out into the reception area. Jasmine went behind the counter and I pulled my money out.

"Here you go." I handed her the money and as she took it, our fingers touched...Again.

"Thanks." Jasmine said, quickly averting her eyes elsewhere.

"See ya."


Maeve quickly pulled me in for a passionate kiss. "Looking good babe."

She held my hand, interwining our fingers as we walked out of the shop. It was such a small thing but I felt different, I felt like I was cool..I even felt more attractive.

I was nervous for what my Mum would think though...

- - -

"Mum." I called out as I walked into my house.

Maeve had gone home and now it was time to see her reaction. I walked into the kitchen to see Ola and Otis sat at the table.

"Nice ring." Ola grinned.

"Mum is going to kill you...I'm going to witness a murder...Oh God."

"Who am I going to kill?" Mum asked as she walked downstairs. She looked at me and she covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh darling...What have you done?"

"I got pregnant."

Mum walked closer to me, she cupped my face gently and turned my head to get a better look at my nose.

"It honestly isn't that bad. It suits you."

I was surprised by her answer but I was also relieved.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. I walked towards it and opened it, surprised to see Jasmine standing there.

"Hey Jas, come in." I moved away from the door, allowing her to enter my house.

"Hey sorry, you left this at the shop." She handed me a ten pound note. "It must've been stuck behind the twenty."

I don't remember having a ten pound note in my purse...But okay then. It was kind of her to bring it back.

"Thanks. Hey, you wanna come watch a movie with me? Maeve has work to catch up on and I don't really like watching things on my own."

"Sure." Jasmine nodded her head.

We walked upstairs and I led her into my room. I turned the TV on and Jasmine sat on my bed.

I decided to change out of my clothes and put my PJ's on. I wasn't going out again so I might as well.

I was struggling to take my shirt off but soon, it came off easily and I saw why. Jasmine was stood in front of me, my shirt in her hands.


"What happend?" She asked as she looked down at the bandage.

"I got stabbed...But I'm okay. Apart from almost dying.."

"Oh...I'm glad you're okay. Do you need help with your jeans?"

I unfastened the button and pulled the zipper down. I slowly pulled them down but I once again struggled. Jasmine didn't hesitate to help once she saw me struggling.

"Get on the bed."

I shuffled towards my bed like a penguin and slowly sat down. Jasmine got on her knees and pulled my jeans off. She placed them neatly on the floor before standing up. She walked towards my wardrobe and pulled out my PJ's.

Just as she was about to hand me my clothes, she tripped over.

"Shit, sorry!" She apologised quickly as she landed on top of me. "Did I hurt your wound?" She asked sitting up slightly.

"I don't think so."

Her shirt was hanging loosely at the top and I was getting a good view of her cleavage.

"Could...You maybe get off me please?"

"Yeah, sorry." She said quickly as she got off me.

I was feeling slightly weird as she helped me put my clothes on. I don't think I was developing feelings for her...But something definetly wasn't right.

"What's that?" She asked pointing to something on my wall.

"What's what?" I asked confused, looking to where she pointed.

"Oh..Must have been a shadow. Hey look at this."

I turned my head and when I did, Jasmine pressed her lips against mine but she quickly pulled away.

"Well I wanted to show you this picture but that's cool too." She laughed.

"I think you should go." I said quickly, feeling my heart pound.

I had just kissed someone else...Fuck. What just happened between us meant nothing but would Maeve see it that way when I tell her? I was going to tell her, I wasn't gonna keep this from her...I just hope Maeve would understand...

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