Thirty Nine

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Alice's POV

Two Days Later

I was out of the hospital, I was still a little sore but I was feeling okay in myself. I couldn't do anymore boxing for a while in case I pop my stitches. It'd take a while for my wound to be healed.

I was instructed to keep the area around the stitches as clean as possible so today I was going to shower. I was a little nervous though, in case I slipped or dropped anything.

I told Otis and Mum I was going to shower and that if they heard a bang they weren't to worry, I just fell.

Otis's knuckles were still a little sore from when he whacked Sean. I find it kind of humerous that he hurt himself. It serves him right for being a kind, gentle soul that hurt someone.

Otis wasn't usually the one to resort to violence. It was sweet though how he was protective of me.

I turned the shower on, letting the water run a bit. I removed my shirt slowly and threw it to one side. I looked at myself in the mirror and just stared at the bandage and gauze. The bruises on my body were almost gone...But I hated how I was starting to look.

I looked ugly...And I looked fat..

Don't get me wrong, I think everyone is beautiful no matter what shape or size...But me...I was hideous.

I turned away, not wanting to look at myself in the mirror any longer. I checked the tempreture of the water, making sure it wasn't too hot.

I removed the rest of my clothes, wincing as I pulled my jeans and underwear down.

I slowly got into the shower, feeling some sort of relief wash over my body. Any pain that I was feeling was now gone.

I grabbed the shampoo bottle and poured some on to my hand, I was about to put the bottle back on the shelf when I noticed red on my hand...Blood?

"What the fuck?!" I dropped the bottle as I panicked slightly. I almost slipped but managed to catch myself. Looking at my hand again, the blood had gone and it had been replaced by the blue shampoo.

There wasn't enough on my hand due to it slipping off when I moved around.

"Fuck me." I groaned.

"Not in the shower, it's too dangerous...Plus your Mum made me swear we wouldn't."

I turned around to see Maeve stood outside of the shower, her arms crossed.

"What are you doing here? Am I seeing things?"

"Nope." Maeve said as she removed her shoes and stepped into the shower fully clothed. "Just coming to help you." She bent down and picked up the shampoo bottle. She squirted some on to my head and massaged it into my scalp and through my medium length brown hair.

"Why are you in the shower in your clothes?"

"So I'm not tempted to fuck you in the shower." She said casually.

"You said its dangerous."

"Being dangerous is fun and exciting..."

I closed my eyes, just letting her wash my hair and soon, I felt hands gently rub over my body. I winced slightly when she got near my stitches, but I trusted her. She was slow and gentle.

I opened my eyes again when I no longer felt her hands on my body, to see she was turning the shower off.

She stepped out first and grabbed a towel. She wrapped it around my body before she gently lifted me out slightly.

"I'm surprised you could lift me with me being so fat."

She froze for a second before she stepped backward slightly. She tilted her head to the side, giving me an "are you serious?" look. "Did you really just fucking say that?"

"Yeah. I mean, look at me."

"I am. And what I see is a beautiful girl. Even if she looked like a fucking elephant she would still be beautiful. Don't let me ever hear you say that again, okay? You're not fat. You're not ugly. You're not anything other than beautiful and perfect."

"If you say so." I sighed.

"I do say so because I'm your girlfriend....And I'm Maeve Wiley. I'm always right. Case closed, let's go get you dressed."

I smiled at her words but I didn't believe them. She would soon leave me for someone much better looking than me, it was bound to happen. It was just a matter of when?

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