Twenty Three

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Alice's POV

I slowly walked towards Maeve in the gym hall. She was painting a cardboard disco ball and she had a cute look of concentration on her face.

Ruby walked towards me and she placed her hand on my back. "Can you hang things up in your condition?"

"In my condition...?"

"Yeah, you're like a cripple."

"And I guess you're a prostitute then?"

"That makes no sense."

"Exactly." I rolled my eyes and grabbed the coloured streamers in her hands and walked towards the wall closest to Maeve where a pair of ladders were stood up.

I climbed up them with ease, surprisingly, but as I lifted my arms up to stick the streamers to the wall, a sharp pain hit me in my stomach.

"Fuck." I hissed, immedietly gripping my stomach.

"You alright?" I heard Maeve ask.

"Yep." I said through gritted teeth. I reached up again and felt the same pain as before. "Come on." I reached up again, ignoring the pain as I stuck a pink streamer on the wall.

I let out a sigh of relief as I lowered my arms. I grabbed an orange streamer and stuck it to wall. Then yellow, then blue.

Just as I was about to grab a red streamer, I felt a different pain on my stomach. It was like I had cut myself with glass. I looked down and saw a bit of red drip down.

"Please be my period." I whispered to myself as I lifted my shirt up.

Blood was slowly oozing out of a gash in my stomach. That was new. I must've made it bigger with all the movement I was doing because I don't remember Maeve mentioning I was bleeding when she patched me up.

"Oh my god. What happend?" Maeve asked quickly walking over to me.

I slowly lowered myself off of the ladders with Maeve's help and she sat me down on one of the chairs.

"I don't know."

"How can you not know? You're bleeding." She grabbed a paper towel and pressed it against my stomach.

It began to sting badly and I quickly gripped on to her hand tightly. She placed her other hand on cheek and used her thumb to stroke it gently.

I began to relax and Maeve smiled.

"Looks like you caught yourself on some scissors."

"Why'd you say that?"

"Well for one, you have a slight hole in your shirt now and two, I can see some scissors with blood on them."

I groaned and Maeve laughed. She moved her hand and scrunched the paper towel up before throwing it in the bin next to us. I stood up and looked down at my shirt, inspecting the shirt.

"I really wish I was like Eric and would bring spare clothes to school."

"Oh fuck. I forgot your shirt!!"

"Oh shit!!"


"I forgot your shirt too!"

We both laughed and it made me feel a lot better. It was nice to know that Maeve and I were still getting on fine. We were gonna be okay.

"So...When did you and Hailee happen?"

"We didn't."

"You two were kissing."

"It was just a kiss."

Maeve didn't reply, she just bit her thumb nail. I wanted to pull her into my arms, kiss her but I couldn't.

"Did it mean anything to you?" She eventually asked.

"Does it matter?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Just trying to understand my friends love life. I'll not bother next time."

"Yeah, please don't."

"I won't. Don't worry."

I looked down and grabbed her wrist gently as I looked back up. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." She roughly pulled her wrist away from me. "I'm sorry I wasted my time, being your friend. Helping your dumb fucking self out with school work. I'm sorry I helped you when you were hurt and I'm sorry I saved your life from drowning."

That hurt alot. I don't even know where it came from. Hearing her speak that way about me, it literally broke my heart even more.

Tears filled my eyes and Maeve dragged a hand down her face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it...You just...Drive me crazy sometimes. I've never had a friend like you before and...I guess I'm jealous of Hailee."

I wiped my eyes with my hand and gave Maeve a confused look. "Why?"

"Because at first it was you and me. Plus Eric and Otis...Now it's her and I'm worried she'll take you from me...Y'know. You'll spend all your time with her and forget about me."

I laughed and hugged Maeve. "That will never happen. I promise. You mean alot to me Maeve Wiley...You mean so much to me."

Maeve squeezed me gently and I felt my heart just settle down for once. No flips, no beating fast, it was calm...Because in Maeve's arms...My heart was home.

Ew, I sound like a cliché...But what's new.

Maeve pulled away and moved some hair out of my eyes. "Are you going to the dance?"

"Are you?"


"Hailee asked me to go with her and I said yes."

I watched as Maeve's face dropped but she tried to hide it. "That's great...Promise to save a dance for me?"

"Of course."


A part of me wishes I never helped Hailee because it just opened a can of fuckery. I just wish I had the guts to tell Maeve how I felt sooner...Not that it would've made a difference because she's with Jackson...

I can't keep living life thinking what if...But I can't help it. I can't help that I fell for the mean girl. I never planned my school year that way but it happend.

And now....I don't know what's going to come next.

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