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Alice's POV

I couldn't let Maeve walk away from me, mad at me, pissed at me or whatever. I just knew she wasn't happy with me. I shouted a quick goodbye to Hailee before running to catch up with Maeve.

I shouted Maeve's name but she ignored me. I wasn't going to lie, I was hurt. I had done nothing for her to be acting this way with me...Unless...She's treating me how I treated her back at school.

"I'm sorry I ignored you."

She continued to ignore me. I sighed as I continued to follow her. I didn't shout her anymore, I just remained silent, hoping she would've calmed down by the time we reach wherever it is she's going.

She eventually stopped walking and when I looked behind her, I saw we were at a caravan site....Is this where she lived?

"Go home Alice." She said without turning around.

"No." I shook my head and walked closer to her. "I wanna know why you're mad at me. What did I do?"

She turned around to face me and she was livid. "For starters, you ignored me earlier and literally five minutes ago I see you were going to kiss the girl you were supposedly helping! If you wanted to hook up with her then why didn't you just say you had to see your girlfriend? Why make an excuse that she needed advice? I'm not homophobic, it's cool if you like girls but also friends don't keep stuff from eachother and the fact you kept that from me hurt because until you and Otis came along all I had was Aimee."

"And Jackson." I reminded her.

"He's not my friend. He's someone I have sex with."

"Okay. Well, one. I'm sorry I ignored you but I really wanted to help Hailee. Two, she's not my girlfriend and three...I've literally just realised I'm into girls. Not even Otis and my Mum know. I wouldn't keep a thing from you." It wasn't a lie...Not really, I would tell her everything except that I like her. "If you wanna know something about me, then just ask. I will tell you the truth."

"Do you genuinely like me?"

I nodded my head and smiled at her. "Of course. You are such a cool and incredible girl. You're funny, you're smart. You are the bestest friend I've ever had to be quite honest with you and that's saying a lot considering we've only been hanging around eachother a week."

She smiled at me and her eyes began to shine slightly, a sign that she was going to cry. "Nobody has ever said those things about me before." She used her thumbs to wipe her tears away. "What is it with me crying around you?" She laughed.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry! It's not your fault exactly...I can just be a normal human being around you. I can let my feelings out and not be judged for it. You make me feel like a better person I guess."

I smiled at her and she took me by surprise by hugging me yet again, she squeezed me tightly and sighed. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll have to kill you. I have a hatchet and I know where to hide a body. Okay?" She asked pulling away.

"Got it ma'am." I smirked.

She put her forhead on mine, sending my heart crazy. She pushed me lightly with forhead and rolled her eyes. "It's a good job I like you."

"I guess it is."

"You're not coming in by the way."

"Why?" I pouted playfully.

"I wanna get some work done."

"I'll walk you to your door?" I offered.

"It's gonna get cold soon and you're still damp. Go home, I live just there." She pointed to a caravan. "I'll be fine."

She began to walk away and as I watched her, I couldn't help but feel the butterflies get stronger.

Maeve Wiley...Why are you doing this to me?

A/N: This would have been much longer and more detailed but when I write,wattpad lags like fuck. Its awful, I'm sorry this is probably the worst part I've written. I also apologise for any mistkes. Its the lag.

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