Forty Two

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Alice's POV

The Next Day

I know I was suspended from school but I had to see Maeve. I had to tell her as soon as possible.

I walked through the school halls as quickly as possible, everyone was giving me confused looks but I didn't care.

Maeve was at her usual place when she was in school, she was stood by the lockers with Aimee. Aimee saw me coming and she pointed towards me.

Maeve turned around and I stopped in my tracks. Her make up was a mess as tears poured down her cheeks.

"Maeve, what happend?" I asked as I continued to walk towards her, she pushed me away gently. "Maeve?"

"I thought I could trust you. My heart was safe with you? What a load of bullshit. I tried to ignore the feeling inside of me, but I was right to feel that way."

"What are you talking about?!"

Maeve reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She turned it around to face me and what I saw made me wanna throw up.

"Those pictures are misleading I swear. I was getting changed into my pyjamas. You know I can't move well with my stitches."

"Aw yeah." Maeve said as she wiped her eyes. "Yeah, I forgot." She smiled as she swiped her phone, her smile was replaced by a frown as the turned her phone around again. "I didn't realise your stitches also affected your lips."

"SHE KISSED ME!" I shouted. "I can't believe this. I was set up. Maeve, please believe me. I was set up."

"I can't believe you. This doesn't look like a set up. This looks like...You cheated on me."

"Maeve." My voice cracked. "I didn't..I would never. I love you."

Maeve looked down and bit her lip. "You don't betray the people you love."

"I didn't betray you."

"A picture speaks a thousand words." Aimee spoke up.

"Aimee, just stay out of this please."

"Yeah,its fine Aimee." Maeve smiled at her friend. "I love you Alice but I...I can't be with you. Not now."

"Maeve don't." Tears filled my eyes and my heart began to break. "I would never cheat on you."

"So you keep saying but look at the pictures."

Before I could speak again, Headmaster Groff appeared from around the corner.

"Miss Milburn. I believe you're suspended. Please remove yourself from the premises."

"This isn't over." I said as I began to walk backwards.

"It is. Stay away from me Alice."

I turned around and walked out of the school. Once I was outside, I broke out into a sob. I felt sick. I felt angry. Jasmine had set me up, but why?


I turned around and saw Otis running towards me.

"I didn't cheat on her, I swear." I cried as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly, but not too tight in case he popped my stitches.

"I know you didn't." He said quietly as he rubbed my back.


Otis pulled away from me as Eric stormed out of the school, tears streaming down his face.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Homophobic bastard Groff caught Adam and I kissing...Adam can't be with me anymore and he's been ordered to stay away from me."

I wrapped my arms around Eric and we both just held eachother and cried. We were both heartbroken...Both lost the ones we love....This is such a shitty day.


I moved away from Eric and saw Jasmine walking towards me.

"Stay the hell away from my sister."

"I was forced to, okay? Hailee made me. She's twisted. My ex boyfriend, filmed us...Y'know and I thought he deleted it but now she has it. She threatened to post it online unless I did what she said. I'm so sorry."

"Did you not hear Otis? Stay away from our sister."

Charley came out of nowhere and hit Jasmine with left hook.

"Wait...Wait what? Sister?"

"Hi. I'm your half sister. Your Dad fucked my Mum and I was born so...Yeah." Charley held her hand out for Otis to shake. He shook it slowly, slightly confused.

"Thanks Charley."

She walked towards me and hugged me. "It doesn't seem like it now, but everything will be okay. Things will work itself out. After school, we'll all go and we'll make Maeve believe you. We'll even drag this little bitch along." She gestured to Jasmine who was now spitting blood out of her mouth.

I didn't realise until now how much I wanted a sister. Having Charley around was going to be great.

"Thanks guys..."

I just hoped Maeve would believe me. I couldn't lose her, she was literally my everything.

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