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Alice's POV

I scrolled through Twitter as I walked to the pool. Nothing interesting had been Tweeted until I saw a girl in my English had Tweeted something.


I wish I could tell everyone the truth, but I'm scared. It should be a simple task but it's probably the hardest thing I could do

Most of the replies were telling her to talk to Otis but she was adament he wouldn't be able to help her. I bit my bottom lip as I thought of a reply....Maybe I could help her.


@HaileeQPRFan199 I'm free to talk if you want. Just name a time and place x

I locked my phone once I reached the pool. I saw Maeve sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in the water.

I walked carefully towards her, glancing to the water. Nobody, apart from Otis, Eric and Mum knew this but I was scared of water. In fact, I couldn't swim.

When I was five, my Mum tried to teach me. I was enjoying it until I thought I would be a good idea to follow the older children and jump into the deep end. Mum was busy sorting Otis's armbands out, she didn't realise I had followed the kids.

I almost drowned but thanks to one of the kids, I survived but I hated swimming pools since.

"You alright?" Maeve asked looking up at me. "You've been staring at the water for like two minutes."

"Just have bad memories with pools."

"Oh. Did you pee in the pool and everyone knew?" She winked.

"Nope. I almost drowned."

"Wow. Dark. Come sit with me for a bit, I promise I won't let you fall in and if you do I will jump right in after you."

I scratched the back of my neck, I wanted to...Honestly, I wanted nothing more than to just sit next to her and enjoy the moment but I was scared.

"Just take my hand." She held her hand up. "You're safe with me, I promise."

I grabbed her hand and slowly sank to my knees. She held on to me as I turned to rest my back on her to take my shoes off. I placed them at a safe distance and placed my phone inside my shoe before slowly turning around and placing my feet in the water.

I tensed up as I felt the coldness, I wasn't expecting it to be that cold.

"See, you're doing great."

"I guess." I turned my head to look at her. "What did you wanna see Jackson about?"

"Nothing important." She looked down into the water. "How did you almost drown?" She asked looking up at me.

"I was with my Mum and Otis. One summer she thought it'd be a good idea to teach us to swim. We were five and  I was really enjoying it. Until I saw the big kids jumping into the water. Otis was nervous so he had to wear armbands. As my Mum was sorting them out, I thought it'd be a good idea to copy the big kids. Once I landed in the water...I sank straight to the bottom, I kicked my legs but nothing happend. One of the big kids saved my life but since then I've been scared."

"You were a stupid child."

"I still am stupid."

"Yes, well. We're working on that. It's a steady process."

I put my hands behind me and leaned backwards. "Did you see Hailee's tweet?"


"It appears she has this big secret but she's scared to tell everyone. I've offered my services too so, hopefully I can help her."

"Look at you, getting in on being a therapist."

"Can't let you and Otis have all the fun can I?"

"I guess not...But people shouldn't be scared. Life is too short. If you wanna say something. Say it. If you wanna have that haircut, get your hair cut. If you wanna tell someone how you feel, tell them. If you wanna do something, just do it. Take that risk. Make mistakes, learn from them. Just enjoy life whilst you can."

I was impressed with Maeve's words, she had so much wisdom and intelligence, it was honestly so beautiful.

But she was right, I shouldn't be scared. I should take a risk. I couldn't keep living my life like this.

I carefully stood up and sucked in a deep breath.

"What are you doing?" Maeve asked confused.

I didn't answer her, instead without a second thought I jumped straight into the water.

"ALICE!" I heard her shout as I went above the water.

I coughed and kicked my legs around frantically. I was trying not to panic but it was hard, this was the first time I had been in a pool in years.

Just as I went below the water again, I felt the water move in one big motion next to me and soon I felt arms wrap around me.

"Don't panic, relax. Open your eyes." Maeve said soothingly as she used her thumb to try and wipe away some water but her thumb didn't exactly help.

I opened my eyes and blinked a few times, my breathing slowed down and Maeve was looking at me concerned.

"Why did you do that?" She asked pushing some of my hair back.

"I was listening to you and taking a risk."

She laughed and shook her head. "Don't listen to me. I talk nothing but bollocks."

"No." I shook my head. "You speak wisely. I have to learn to swim at some point I guess, I had to get back in here somehow. I faced my fears, I took a risk and jumped in the pool. I knew I was safe with you anyway."

Maeve sighed and loosened her grip on me and I panicked slightly. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Relax, I'm not gonna let you go under again...We just better get outta the pool."

I nodded my head and Maeve swam backwards with me still attatched to her. We reached the edge of the pool and we pulled ourselves up.

"Promise me you won't do that again." She said standing up.

"I promise." I said grabbing my shoes.

I took my phone out and saw that Hailee had sent me a DM telling me to meet her at the local shop near the school.

"Looks like Hailee is gonna talk to me."


Maeve and I walked out of the pool area and I cringed as my clothes began to stick to me. We were about to walk out of the exit when I remembered I left my jacket inside the boxing gym.

"Two secs. I forgot my jacket."

I ran to the boxing gym and retrieved the jacket. When I walked out again, I heard two voices. As I got closer I realised it was Jackson and Maeves.

I was about to greet Jackson when I saw him push Maeve against the wall and kiss her.

My heart sank and I looked away. I knew she was never going to be my girlfriend but Eric was right, I liked her and seeing her kiss someone else hurt. I was jealous.

I walked straight past them, I had to go see Hailee. Maeve called after me but I ignored her. I knew if I turned around then I would cry because I have never truely liked someone before...But now I do and it's someone I can't and never will have..And that just kills me inside.

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