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Alice's POV

I'm trying to sleep on the sofa but I can't. So many things are flowing through my brain and by that, I mean Maeve is stuck in my head. But honestly, when is she not?

I had to text her or call her. I reached for my phone but I remembered it wasn't there...Last time I had my phone was when I was with Eric.

I sighed and tried to get comfortable on the sofa again but I was disturbed by someone slowly lifting my legs up.

"Can we talk?"

"You're already sat down." I laughed.

"Haha. Yeah. Um..Are you okay with Maeve being with Jackson?" Otis asked as he looked down.

"I have to be. As much as I lo...Like her...I simply cannot be with her. If she's happy with Jackson, then I'm happy."

Otis smiled as he looked back up before he frowned again, as if he realised something. "Is that why you were upset the other day when her and Jackson started dating."

I nodded my head slowly. "It was a shock...But I'm over it now." I lied. "Like I said, if she's happy then so am I."

"You're a real sweet girl Alice. I'm proud to have you as my sister."

"What are you creeping for?"

"What, nothing!"


"I'm not!"


"It's just...It's my fault that they're da-" Otis was cut off by the front door opening.

"Hello gorgeous sexy people! How's the patient? I brought gifts and a surprise."

I grinned when I heard Eric's voice boom from the hall way.

"I'm the surprise." I heard a quieter voice speak.

Eric walked over into view followed by someone I wasn't expecting to see.


"Hey." She smiled as she walked towards me. She knelt down in front of me and gently cupped my face. "Damn...They got you good. You really scared me."

"You were there?" I asked confused.

She removed her hands as she nodded her head and sat on the floor in front of me. "Otis and I got there when they were beating you up, we scared them off but you ran off after them. Don't ever do that again,okay?"

"I have to protect my friends."

"But who will protect you? As cliché as this sounds, you may be the hero, but who will save the hero when she needs saving?"

"Isn't that a Beyoncé song?"

"Not the point. Just...Don't go getting into fights again. I care about you and I'd hate to see you get hurt again."

I reached my arm out towards Hailee and she held my hand gently.

"You don't have to worry about me getting into fights for a while...Mainly because I gotta recover from this but once I'm one hundred percent, you bitches better watch your backs." I joked.

"Sure whatever bad ass." Eric said rolling his eyes. "I brought some of your favourite shows to watch and lots and lots of chocolate so...Let's get down to it!"

Eric got everything ready, Hailee just continued to hold my hand and Otis...He was acting weird...Like he was ashamed or scared...He was going to say something about Maeve and Jackson...But I wonder what.

Hailee scooted closer to the sofa and I sat up slowly. I patted the space next to me and she happily sat beside me.

She gently rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around me. I wrapped my left arm around her and stroked her side gently.

I don't know why but something about this felt right but at the same time it felt like something was missing and I knew what. It was Maeve. The position I was in felt right but I wanted it to be with Maeve.

Hailee turned her head and she took me by surprise when she kissed my cheek.

"I love you Alice."

I turned to look at her and gave her a smile. "I love you too Hales."

She looked disapointed in my answer but I'm not sure why.

"Hey, Eric. Where's my phone?"

"Here." He grabbed the blue bag he brought and took my phone out.

He handed it to me but Hailee reached for it then handed it to me. I smiled gratefully and unlocked my phone.

I'm not surprised I had no missed calls or a dozen text messages, but I did have one message.

Maeve: Hope you got home safe, see you at school tomorrow

I felt like...Maeve was a bit off with me. There was no kiss and it just gave me a weird vibe but I guess I knew why. The almost kiss, it had made things awkward between us.

Good going Alice. You always ruin everything.

Falling For The Mean Girl - Sex Education FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora