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Alice's POV

The Next Day

I don't think I slept through the night, I was so nervous. I wasn't even sure if I should bring anything...I've seen in movies and TV shows that people usually bring chocolate, flowers or wine...I don't know Maeve's favourite chocolates..I'm not old enough to be served alcohol and as for flowers...I bought some nice roses...

I'm starting to think that's a bit cliché and Maeve might not like cliché.

I was stood outside the coffee shop, waiting patiently for Maeve but I was worrying about how I looked and about the roses.

Was I dressed okay? I followed Eric's advice and he's usually OTT about everything, maybe my outfit is too much. Maybe the roses are too much. Maybe I should throw them away.

I was about to walk to the bin outside the coffee shop when I felt someone nudge me slightly.

"Almost didn't recognise you in that outfit."

I smiled shyly at Maeve as she stood in front of me.

"These...These are uh..For you." I held the roses out towards her.

"Thanks." She took the flowers from me and smiled. "How did you know?"

"How did I know what?"

"That these were my Nan's favourite flowers."

"Your Nan?" I asked confused.

"Yeah." Maeve said as she turned around and began to walk away from the coffee shop. "Today is the anniversary of her passing. I visit her grave every year on this day. My brother is usually around to come with me but not today...That's why I asked you to come. I don't like being on my own and I trust you."

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said feeling my heart hurt for her. It must be awful to lose a grandparent.

"It's life...You live and you die. I just wish my Nan lasted a lot longer. She looked after me and my brother when my Mum would go and get fucked up. When Mum left for good, she tried her best to look after us but she was too old. So my brother looked after not just himself and me but also our Nan. It's been four years since she passed and it just gets harder every day. Whoever said it gets eaiser is a liar."

Maeve let out a shaky breath as we reached a grave and she knelt down.

"Hi Nan." She said as she placed her hand on the headstone. "I'm sorry Sean isn't here...He's busy travelling but I'm sure you're in his thoughts. I brought a friend today. This is Alice." She looked up at me and smiled.

I knelt down beside her and turned to look at the headstone.

Here lies Elizabeth May Rickett, a beloved Mother, Sister, Wife and Grandmother.

Be The Change You Want To See In The World

15th November 1935 - 19th August 2015

"Be the change you want to see in the world?" I turned to look at Maeve.

"It was something she would say all the time to Sean and I. If you want to change the world then you have to change first. You have to be that change you want to see in the world." Maeve sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm sorry if I've ever made a choice that's made you disapointed Nan...I'm trying so hard to be the change that I want to see but its hard without you."

I watched as a tear rolled down Maeve's cheek. I moved closer to her and placed my hand on her back.

"Your Nan would never be disapointed in you. She would be proud of you. Sure, you might make questionable choices but you can learn from them. Your Nan is looking down at you now and she's smiling so brightly for you. She is proud of the woman you've become. She loves you and she always will. Never, ever think she's disapointed in you because she's not. I can promise you that."

Maeve smiled and placed the roses against the headstone before she stood up. I stood up too and I was taken by surprise when Maeve hugged me.

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear. "Thank you for being here with me."

I could tell she was crying as I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back and it broke my heart.

"It's what friends are for." I laughed lightly.

Maeve pulled away and wiped her eyes. "Yeah, and as friends, you'll keep this between us because if people find out how much of a soppy git I am then I'll have to knock you out."

I laughed and nodded my head. "This will be our little secret."

"Good...Now...I have somewhere else to take you."

"Really where?"

"You'll see and I hope you like it."

Maeve began to walk away and I just lingered behind. I looked at her Nan's grave again. "I'll watch out for her." I whispered to myself. "I promise."

A slight breeze hit me and suddenly, a white feather slowly fell in front of me. I'd like to believe that was a sign from Maeve's Nan, letting me know that she was happy and that she was also there for Maeve.

"You coming or what?" Maeve shouted from the gates.

I ran towards the gate but as I reached Maeve, my foot slipped. Maeve caught me before I could fall and she laughed.

"You alright there?"


"Okay, good. Come on."

Little did she know, I was not okay.

She was making my heart go crazy...

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