Twenty One

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Alice's POV

The Next Day

As I walked towards the school enterance, people were staring at me. Some were laughing, some were shocked. People were whispering about me, probably gossiping about what happend.

I ignored them as I walked towards my locker, I don't see the point in me having a locker, I hardly used it.

I opened my locker and just buried my head inside. I just couldn't be dealing with people staring at me.

"Hey, loser...Actually, better not say that. You might smash my handsome face in."

I turned around to see Adam stood there, his arms crossed.

"What do you want?"

He looked down and shuffled his feet slightly before he looked back up at me. "Are you okay? I know what it's like to have people staring at you...I mean, people staring at me was far worse because I had my dick out."

"Yeah, don't remind me. I'm okay. I just wish people would stop."

Adam scratched his neck slowly as he began to think.

"Come on." He grabbed my hand and I quickly shut my locker before he dragged me away.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"You'll see."

People began to stare at me more and I was getting super uncomfortable. We passed by Eric and Otis who gave me a confused look.

Adam eventually stopped pulling me as we reached his Dad's office. Without even knocking, he walked inside and walked straight to Headmaster Groff's desk.

He grabbed the microphone that sat on the desk and turned it on.

"Ladies, gentlemen and gender neutrals. I have a special announcemene for you all. As some of you might have seen, Alice Milburn has come into school with slight bruising on her face and a little limp. This is due to the fact she was..."

"In a fight."

"In a fight with..."

"Two assholes that were harrasing Eric."

"Two assholes that were harrasing Eric. If you think she looks bad then you should see the other guys. If I catch or if I hear that you have been staring at her, gossiping about her or making her uncomfortable...Well...You'll end up far worse than what she looks. That is not a threat, that is a promise. Thank you all for listening, have a great day." Adam was about to put the mic down when he grabbed it again. "Also, there will be a assembly in five minutes and pizza will be served at lunch time...That is all."

He put the mic down and I crossed my arms.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Because, it was a good thing to do." He replied walking towards me.

"But you're mean."

"I'm not as mean as people think...Plus people can change...Sometimes you gotta have something worth changing for."

With that, he walked out of the room and left me to do whatever. I walked out of the room but I was pushed back in again.

"Maeve, what are you doing?"

Without answering she grabbed my cheeks roughly, she pushed her lips against mine. My eyes went wide but I soon relaxed and began to kiss her back.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Hailee looking back at me.

"Wait, what?"

I rubbed my eyes and when I opened them, I saw Otis standing over me concerned.

Falling For The Mean Girl - Sex Education FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now