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Alice's POV

The Next Day

When I got home last night, it was pretty late. I wanted to go straight to bed but Mum wanted to make sure I was safe and that took...Two hours...Because she had the sex talk with me too and ugh. I'm exhausted.

I walked to school on my own too, as sad as it made me, I was just excited to see Maeve again...My girlfriend.

I love saying that. Maeve Wiley is my girlfriend.

I saw Otis and Eric by the bike stands, they both waved at me but I ignored them as I headed straight inside the school.

I looked around at the sea of people, hoping to see Maeve and when I saw her...Oh my heart was so happy.

She was stood by the lockers, talking to Aimee. I walked over and placed my hands on her hips.

"Hello." I smiled.

Maeve surprised me by backing away quickly. "What are you doing?"

"Saying hello? I asked confused.

"Yeah I get that but why you touching me?"

I was a little stunned by how she was acting with me. I couldn't get my head around this.

"Am...Am I not allowed to?"

"Why would you be? Yeah, okay we're friends but come on...I need some space yeah?"

I looked down as my heart dropped. "Friend. Right." I walked away before Maeve and Aimee could see I was about to cry.

"Hey, what's up?" Adam asked as he began to walk next to me.

"Nothing, just...Tell Mrs Edwards I won't be in first lesson, my stomach is giving me pains." I lied.

"Alright." Adam said before he turned around and walked away.

I headed straight for the boxing gym. I was so upset, I needed to go to my place. When I entered the boxing gym, I threw my bag to one side and went to my locker and grabbed my boxing gloves. I quickly put them on before walking to the nearest punch bag.

I began to hit the bag with sharp left and right hooks as tears fell from my eyes. I wrapped my arms around the bag and held it tight as I caught my breath.


I let go of the bag and began to jab it, ignoring Maeve.

"Alice, I'm sorry."

"Bullshit." I breathed heavily.

"I am...Please just hear me out."

I stopped punching the bag and turned to look at her. "Are you ashamed of me? Do you regret being with me?"

"No, no of course not." Maeve said quickly.

"Sure feels like it. Maybe us being together was a mistake."

"Don't say that." Maeve said walking over to me. "Don't ever fucking say that."

"You're my girlfriend...Well you're supposed to be but I can't even touch you. I can't show you affection. You called me your friend." I said angrily as I took my gloves off.

"I'm not out Alice. I don't know how people will react. You're the first girl I've ever had feelings for. This is new to me."

"Who gives a fuck what people think? Who give a fuck what they'll say? If I make you happy then that's all that should matter. Why let people stop you from being happy?" I threw my gloves angrily at my locker.

Maeve looked down and I could tell she was starting to cry.

"I've never been this happy before. I don't wanna lose you Alice but I'm scared I will because I'm too scared to tell people I'm bi."

"Hey." I grabbed her hands and held them tightly. "You will never lose me because you're not ready to come out yet. You take as long as you need. It was just a big shock for me with how you acted. It caught me by surprise. I love you Maeve, take as long as you need. I know now."

Maeve smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed the side of her head.

"Ew..You're all sweaty."

"You weren't complaining the other night."

Maeve pulled away from the hug and pushed me gently. "I won't be complaining tonight either." She winked. "Now come on. You have a class to get to."

"I told Adam to tell Mrs Edwards I wasn't going to make first lesson."

"Well now you are. Come on."

Maeve grabbed my hand and I grabbed my bag as we left the room. We walked through the empty hall into the busy corridor, filled with pupils getting ready for first lesson.

Maeve stopped walking and gripped my hand tighter, causing me to stop walking.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She smiled. "I love you." She cupped my cheeks and kissed me gently.

I kissed her back as people gasped, oooh'ed and some even clapped.

"Holy shit. Maeve Wiley is into girls! Hey can we have a threesome?" I heard some stupid prick ask.

I stuck my middle finger up in the air as I continued to kiss Maeve, I wasn't really all that bothered about all the attention. I was happy. I was in love with my girlfriend.

Maeve Wiley.

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