Thirty Two

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Alice's POV

I comforted Maeve as she began to cry. We had moved into the boxing gym where nobody would disturb us.

Jackson was sat on the ring apron, head in his hands.

"I just...Why didn't you talk to me?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"I was scared. Plus we had just ended."

"On good terms!" He said standing up. "I told you to go get your girl! AKA, Alice!"

"I know." Maeve sat up and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't change the fact you decided to get rid a part of me." He replied sadly.

Maeve stood up and walked over to him. She placed her hands on his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her, resting his head on her stomach.

I won't lie, I didn't like that. I tried to hide my jealousy but judging by the look on Maeve's face, I wasn't hiding it very well.

She blew me a small kiss, causing me to smile.

"I love you Maeve."

My heart stopped and Maeve backed away from Jackson.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He said quickly as he stood up. "I'm so sorry Alice."

I walked out of the boxing gym as scared, sadness and hurt feelings mixed into one causing me to over think.

I felt like I was going to throw up. I stopped near the girls toilets in case I was gonna throw up.

"Oh dear, what's wrong with you?" Hailee asked walking towards me. "You look...Heartbroken? Did Maeve break up with you."

I grabbed Hailee by the scruff of her shirt and pushed her against the wall.

"Stay the fuck away from me." I growled as I pulled her away and then slammed her against the wall. "Stay away from Maeve you spiteful bitch. You had no right to  tell Jackson, how did you even know?!"

"I saw you."

"Oh you saw us? I get it, that automatically gave you the right to tell Jackson somthing that was none of your business."

"She's just using you Alice. Isn't it funny how the day before the abortion...You two get together."

I loosened my grip as Hailee's words began to sink in...It was a coincidence...I tried to process this information...Maybe Hailee was right...Maeve used me...

"No!" I shouted. "Stop trying to get into my head." I slapped her across the face. Feeling myself start to become angry.

Hailee laughed and groaned in pleasure. "Do that again, harder."

I looked at her in disbelief. I brought my fist back and I was getting ready to hit her when I was pulled away.

"ALICE MILBURN. MY OFFICE NOW!" Headmaster Groff shouted.

"One minute." I smiled sweetly before using all my strength to punch Hailee on the nose.

"I was gonna get detention or something anyway." I shrugged my shoulders. "Might as well make it worth while."

Headmaster Groff shook his head. "You know I'm going to have to suspend you for a week now."

"Fine by me."


I turned around to see Maeve stood there with a desperate look on her face. I wanted to smile but even though I knew Hailee was just getting into my head...Her words lingered...Making me doubt her.

I turned around and walked away, ignoring my girlfriend.

"Alice!" She shouted after me but I ignored her.

- - -

When I got home, I got a right big bollocking off my Mum and Otis. Even Eric but I didn't listen to them. I just wanted to be left alone.

I was doing some sit ups when my bedroom window opened.

"What the...Maeve how?"

She didn't answer me, instead she pulled me up roughly. She pushed me on the bed and straddled me.

She kissed my lips gently but with passion.

"I love you. Please don't ever doubt that."

"How did you kn-"

"Charley saw and heard everything."


Maeve got off me and sat cross legged on my bed. "Please don't let Hailee get into your head." She said she moved some hair out of my eyes.

"I'm just scared you'll go back with Jackson..."

"If I wanted to be with him, I'd be with him now but I'm here with you. As your girlfriend that is crazy about you."

My door opened and Otis walked in, surprised when he saw Maeve.

"Hey Maeve."

"Hey fucker."

"Alice, there's someone here to see you."

I sighed and got off my bed and walked downstairs. I was shocked at who I saw sat on the sofa.


"Hey. I just wanted to apologise for my sisters behaviour."

"Your sister?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. Hailee...She's my sister."

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