Twenty Nine

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Alice's POV

I was scrolling through Twitter when Maeve returned. She looked fine, she wasn't beaming but she was okay. I locked my phone and stood up.

I opened my arms and she walked into them. I rubbed her back gently as a nurse walked over to us.

"Maeve might experience some stomach cramps, maybe even some nausea. She may also have some bleeding down there. It's nothing to worry about so if that happens. Don't worry. Alright?" She smiled. "I also need you to sign a form to say you've had the procedure and you're ready to discharge yourself."

Maeve sighed and she had a tired look in her eyes but she went to the front desk and signed herself out.

I held my hand out for her and she took it. We walked out of the clinic hand in hand which made me happy. Just holding her hand,it made me happy.

"Can we get some chocolate?"

"Sure." I nodded my head as we walked in the direction of the shop.

Once we reached the shop, Maeve headed straight inside towards the sweets section.

I grabbed a packet of gum and Maeve grabbed a Caramel Dairy Milk.

"Hey, Alice."


She grabbed my arm and pulled me close. "Have you ever stolen anything?"

"Only your heart." I winked earning an eyeroll. "Nope. I've not stolen anything."

"Well, now's your chance." She whispered. "I dare you, to steal this." She grabbed a Galaxy Cookie Crumble.

"No. No way. I'm not a thief."

"It's just one small chocolate bar. What they gonna do, lock you up for life?" She laughed. "I dare you Alice Milburn." She leaned forward so her lips brushed against mine. "If you do...I'll give you a very...Special...Gift."

I gulped heavily and nodded my head quickly. "O-Okay." I said, my voice cracking slightly.

I took the chocolate bar from her and shoved it up my sleeve.

"I feel a bit sick." She said holding her stomach. "I'll wait outside for you." She said loudly as she walked out the door.

I looked through the window and saw her grinning. She stuck her thumb up and held the chocolate bar up. Wow, easy.

I walked to the counter and placed my gum on top.

"Just this please...Jasmine. What a nice name. You're a real life Disney Princess."

"Thank you." Jasmine smiled, showing her dimples. She grabbed the gum and scanned it. "That'll be just thirty five pence please."

I handed her the money and leaned on the counter. Trying to be casual...Maybe too casual...But what can I say, I was nervous.

"Yes?" She asked.

"How old do I look to you?"


My jaw dropped and Jasmine giggled. "You look sixteen at the most."

"Damn, so I can't ask for that bottle of whiskey?"

"Afraid not." She held her hand out. "What's your name?"

"Alice." I replied, shaking her hand.

"Alice in Wonderland. You're a real life crazy person huh?"

"Oh, you have no idea." I laughed.

As we stopped shaking hands, the chocolate bar fell out from inside my sleeve.

We looked down at the chocolate bar and I looked back up at Jasmine who had her eyebrows raised.

"That's not mine."

"Were you going to steal that Alice?" She asked crossing her arms.

"It had eat me on it?" I asked wincing at the bad joke. "Please don't call the police."

"I'm sorry but I have to. You're a thief and a crazy person. You're just not safe to be around."

"I'm sorry. Here, I can pay. How much is it?"

"Relax Alice in Wonderland. I was kidding. It's on me." She grabbed the chocolate bar and scanned it. "Just don't do it again." She said as she held the item out.

I grabbed the chocolate and our fingers touched for a moment. Jasmine looked away shyly before pulling her hand away quickly.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Next please."

I walked out of the shop and Maeve was stood there with her arms crossed.

"You didn't steal it did you?"

"I did not steal it."

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips roughly. "You still get the special gift though."

- - -

Maeve layed down next to me as she tried to catch her breath. I turned to look at her and she looked at me.

"That was..."

"Amazing." She finished.

"Are you sure you're okay? I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Nope." She said as she quickly straddled me. "You make me feel better." She said as she kissed my neck.

She rolled off me again and I held her in my arms.

"I should probably go home soon." I said sadly.

"Can't you stay one more night?"

"I wish, but I gotta get my homework ready. I got some things I have to finish off."

"Including me."

I laughed and kissed the side of her head. "Babe, I never leave you unfinished."

Maeve kissed my arm and held me tightly, I could tell something was wrong. She wasn't herself...Maybe it was due to the abortion...But I don't know, something else seems to be on her mind.

I'll ask her tomorrow at school when she has a bit of a clearer head but I wonder...What is bothering her?

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