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Alice's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and winced in pain, my entire body hurt. I looked around the room and I didn't recognise it. I couldn't even remember what  happend.

I felt someone move next to me so I slowly turned my head to see a sleeping Maeve. She looked...Really different...

Her hair was in a ponytail...She was in a dress and she had took her nose ring out. I was really annoyed she had taken it out, it was one of my favourite features about her.

"Why are you staring at me?" She mumbled tiredly, her eyes still closed.

Because you're beautiful.

"Because I'm confused." I replied, my voice coming out slightly raspy.

"What are you confused about?" She asked as she opened her eyes.

"Why you look like that and why I'm here, in fucking agony."

"You don't remember last night?"

"Not really...It's a bit of a blur. I remember Eric being hassled by two assholes."

"You were attacked by who I assume are the same two assholes that hassled Eric...You fell down the hill and I saw you. I in fact helped you. I'm quite proud of myself actually."


"Because I lifted you up and bandaged you all by myself, with kinda a little help from you I guess but you were out of it."


Maeve moved closer towards me so her cheek was against my arm. We stayed in silence for a while, it wasn't an awkward silence...It was peaceful. I almost fell asleep again when Maeve's phone began to vibrate on the nightstand.

"I thought I silenced it." She sighed, turning over and grabbing her phone. She quickly turned it off before laying back down again, close to me.

"Who was it? It may be important."

"It was just Jackson."

"Just Jackson?" I raised my eyebrows. "Is your boyfriend not important?" I tried to hide my jealousy the best I could but I'm sure I sounded bitter.

"Not as important as you." Maeve coughed and I felt her shrug her shoulders. "Anyways, I don't want the awkward conversation we'll have."

"Why will it be awkward?"

"I was at his house yesterday, meeting his parents..I felt like I was being judged the entire time and they were making a point of telling me how he had such a good childhood, like they knew mine was shit. I couldn't stand to be there anymore...So I just walked out and decided to help Otis with...Something."

"Right." I nodded my head. "Is that why you're dressed like...That?"

"Like what?" Maeve asked sounding, slightly offended.

"You're dressed like someone else. You're not dressed like yourself. You even took your nose ring out. I've not known Maeve Wiley to have her hair up, wear a dress and take her bloody nose ring out."

Maeve nodded her head. "Yeah." She replied quietly.

My blood began to boil but I tried my best to remain calm. "Y'know, I get that Jackson makes you happy but you deserve better. You deserve to be with someone that you won't have to change how you dress or act to impress their parents. What's the point of being with someone if you can't be your true self around their parents? It'd be shit to live a lie..You are beautiful and amazing the way you are Maeve. With your hair down, in anything but a dress and with your nose ring in...Now don't get me wrong, I think you look great in a dress but come on, be honest...It ain't you.."

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"I do."

Maeve sat up and I did too, with her help. I was surprised see that I had no shirt on as the blanket fell but I wasn't too bothered, it wasn't the first time Maeve saw me in a bra.

"Really?" She asked trying to fight a smile.

"I really do think you're beautiful."

"Aw..You're sweet."

I looked down to see that we were holding hands. I slowly moved my fingers so that they were intertwined and my heart did about a million flips when Maeve did the same.

I looked back up and Maeve did the same.

"Are you okay?" She asked leaning forward. "Are you in any pain?"

"I'll be fine." I whispered, bringing my left hand up to cup her cheek.

She leaned into my touch and all in that moment I wanted to do was kiss her.

And that's exactly what I was going to do.

I slowly leaned in and Maeve stayed still, just as we were about to kiss, the door burst open, causing Maeve to jump away from me.

"Whoops. Wasn't interupting was I?"

"You fucking asshole!!"

"Ohh...Guess I was..."

Maeve quickly removed the covers from her body and stood up. She walked over the strange man and pushed him outside.

"What are you doing here?!" I heard her shout.

"What? Can't I come see my little sister?"

Couldn't you come after?! I slowly layed back down, waiting for Maeve to return...I couldn't believe I was about to kiss Maeve...

But would things be weird between us now? I sure hope not...But knowing my luck things were not gonna be good.

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