Thirty Six

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Maeve's POV

I had just payed the waiter and I saw Aimee and Steve entering the restaurant.

"Hello love birds."

"Bloody hell Maeve, didn't recognise you like that." Aimee gasped as she pulled me in for a hug. "You here with Alice?" She asked pulling away.


"Aw that's nice. What's the desert like?"

"Don't know."

Aimee smirked and crossed her arms. "Saving it for later are we?"

I laughed and turned around but when I did, my heart dropped as I saw Alice, staggering towards me. Her hand was clutching her stomach and blood slowly seeped through her fingers.

"Call an ambulance." I said to Aimee before I ran towards my girlfriend. "Alice!"

- - -

I rode with her in the ambulance, I couldn't take my eyes off of her. They were attaching wires and machines, using so much gauze to stop the bleeding.


"Huh, what?"

"What are these bruises?" A paramedic asked, gesturing to the fading bruising on her stomach.

"She got beat up a while ago.."

The paramedic nodded her head and continued to treat Alice.

"We're losing her!" She shouted to the driver.  "Resps are lowering. ECG's have gone down."

I shuffled slightly closer, taking Alice's hand in mine. I gave it a gentle squeeze. Maybe if she felt me there then she would be okay.

"Okay, she's in cardiac arrest." The paramedic sighed as she began to perform CPR. "Can we speed it up a little please Ian?"

Tears just continued to flow as I used my other hand to reach into my pocket and called Otis.



"Maeve? What's wrong?"

"Al..Alice...She's been stabbed...We're on the way to the hospital...They're performing CPR on her."

"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!" He shouted. He tried speak to me but his words weren't coming out properly and it didn't take long for him to break down into full on sobbing.

I hung up the phone, not being able to handle listening to him cry.

"Have you got an output?" Ian shouted.

The female paramedic stopped pressing down on Alice's chest. She pressed her fingers against her neck. She glanced to me and shook her head. "No."


She resumed CPR and it felt like my entire world was crashing down around me. Today was supposed to be a cute, romantic day. Not this. I can't lose her.

The female paramedic stopped and checked her pulse. "Alright Ian, we have a weak pulse. Quick as you can please."

- - -

I paced up and down the corridor. Literally praying for her to be okay.


I turned around to see Sean standing in front of me. Paper towels in his hands. "You...Have blood on you."

I no longer felt sad and heartbroken. Instead I felt anger and hatred. I used all my strength and pushed him as hard as I could. I began to hit his chest over and over, and he let me.

"She could die. Its all your fault."

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

He grabbed my arms gently and pulled me into his arms. Hugging me tightly. I cried like I had never cried before.

"Maeve, darling?"

I looked behind Sean to see Otis, Eric and Jean.

"They're trying to stop the bleeding." I wiped my eyes. "We almost lost her."

Jean was trying to be strong, she opened her arms and walked into them. Hugging her. Feeling some sort of comfort. She rubbed my back and she sighed.

"Y'know how the saying goes...It ain't a night out unless you've gone to A&E." Eric said trying to lighten the mood. "Sorry. Insensitive. I'll go."

He turned around to leave but I grabbed his arm. I moved away from Jean, keeping my grip on his arm.

"Come here you dopey mare."

I hugged him and once he was in my arms, he began to cry. We all cried. We were all so worried. So scared.

Then it happend. News came.

"Relations to Alice Milburn?" A doctor asked as used a paper towel to wipe his bloody hands.

"Yes, I'm her mother." Jean spoke up as she wrapped an arm around Otis.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Sam Jones. I have just been tending to your daughter. Fourtunetly, the wound wasn't too deep but she did lose a lot of blood."

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked, taking a step forward.

"It's quite hard to tell at the moment." He said giving me an unsure look. "We did manage to stop the bleeding but it's up to her body now to decide how it reacts to the medicine and healing."

"Can we see her?" Otis and Eric asked at the same time.

"Yes, yes of course. Two at a time though please." He smiled, stepping to the side and raising his arm towards the room where Alice was.

"You guys go." I smiled at Jean and Otis.

"No, you and Otis go." Jean smiled back with a wink.

Otis placed his arm on my back and we followed Doctor Jones into the room. I tried to stay strong but it was so hard.

Alice was layed there, a bandage wrapped around her stomach, a tube in her mouth to help her breathe.

"Wait, why does she have that?" I asked confused.

"Her resps were really low when they brought her, its just to assist her with her breathing."

"Is that keeping her alive?"

"Not neccessarily. She is able to breathe on her own but she's not breathing enough for our liking."

I walked towards her and just looking down at her, she looked peaceful...She was just sleeping. I gently took her hand and held it.

Otis walked to the other side and held her other hand.

"I never thought I'd see this."

"See what?"

"Maeve Wiley, in love with my sister."

I quickly wiped my eye and smiled up at him. "Well believe it, snowflake. I really do love your sister and it would destroy me...It...It would destroy me if she wasn't gonna be fine."

Otis reached his other hand out and I took it.

"She'll be fine. Trust me."

I hope so...I really do hope so. I looked back down at her, watching her chest move up and down slowly...And then it stopped.

The machines started to go crazy and we were ushered out by nurses and doctors. I tried to fight them but Otis pulled me away.

"Alice." I cried in his arms.

The doors closed in front of me, blocking my view of her. I felt another pair of arms wrap around me and I looked up to see Jean holding me, tears in her eyes.

Please be okay, fight Alice...Fight. Don't give up.

I love you.

I need you.

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