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Alice's POV

Later That Same Day

I was sat in Eric's room waiting for him to fetch our drinks upstairs. My heart was pounding and I had so many butterflies in my stomach.

I was so nervous and I was so confused with myself for how my body reacted the way it did around Maeve.

"I present to you, Eric's special hot chocolate." Eric announced as he walked into the room with two mugs in his hands. "The amazing chocolate drink is topped with the finest of whipped cream, the softest of marshmellows and the oh so delicious, cinnamon."

I laughed and took the drink from his hand as he sat down on the bed in front of me.

"So Als. What's up?" He asked taking a sip of his drink.

"Lately I've been feeling different...My body has been acting in a really...Different way."

Eric was about to take another sip of his drink but he paused. He calmly placed his mug on the bedside table before he carefully took my drink and placed it on the other one behind me.

He sat back but also scooted closer to me. He grabbed my hands and gently held them.

"Now Alice, it's completely normal for your body to feel this way. There's nothing to be ashamed about. There's nothing wrong or dirty about it."

"I kinda know that..." I said slowly. "I just don't understand why I feel this way."

"As you get older, your body changes. You feel different things and have the urge to do certain things. It's a completely normal part of life. Everyone does it and if someone says they don't, well then they're liars. Masturbation i-"

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! I wasn't talking about that!!"

"Oh. Well what's made you feel this way?"

I bit my bottom lip as I looked down. Eric squeezed my hands gently and I looked up at him.

"Take your time angel. There's no rush."

I let out a shaky sigh, my heart began to beat faster and faster. I honestly felt like I was going to throw up but it wasn't a big deal...But why did it feel like one?!

I groaned and threw myself backwards, almost falling off of the bed. Eric pulled me up and chuckled.

"I think I like Maeve." I blurted out quickly.

"You what?"

"It's a small crush really...I think she's cute and beautiful and her smile is amazing. Her laugh is so cute too. I literally stopped breathing when she came close to me. I've never felt this way before about anyone." I think I spoke too fast because Eric looked lost.

I just had to get it out. Eric clicked his tongue and nodded his head. "I'm not surprised to be honest."

"You're not?"

"When Maeve took your helmet off, you were like, in awe of her. I'm not saying its love but you pretty much experinced a feeling similar to love at first sight."

"But I'm not gay. I'm not bi. I like guys."

"Have you ever been attracted to a guy before?"


"Have you ever been attracted to a woman before? Apart from Maeve."


"Liar!" He shouted and pointed at me. "Year seven, history teacher Mrs Smith. You had the hots for her. We all know it. Year eight, new girl Cassie Newell you had the hots for her too."


"No buts about it honey. You're gay and you have the extra hot, hots for Maeve Wiley. Saucy."

"I can't be." I said as I felt a lump form in my throat. "What will my Mum and Otis say?"

"They'll be cool with it. I promise. They're cool with me."

"But it could be different because I'm their daughter and sister."

Eric shook his head and wrapped his arms around me. Hugging me tightly.

"They will be cool with it. I promise. Have I ever broken a promise when it comes to you?"

"No." I sniffed.

"Exactly. You're my little angel and I will never let you down or break any promises."

I sat up and smiled as he wiped my eyes. "Maeve asked me to meet her at this place tomorrow." I pulled out my phone and showed him the location Maeve sent. "I don't know where that is."

"O.M.G!" Eric said shocked as he took my phone. "That's where the cute little cafe is across the road from Game."


"Near the cemetary! I keep saying we should grab a coffee at the cafe but we never do because Otis wants Costa Coffee all the time!"

I was so confused why Eric seemed to be getting all excited over this. He looked at me, expecting that I would catch on to what he was getting all excited about it.

"Don't you get it?!?!"

"No, not really."

He rolled his eyes and handed me my phone before he jumped off the bed.

"Maeve is taking you on a date!"


"Why else would she wanna go to a cute little cafe? Just the two of you?!"

"To get a drink maybe?"

Eric crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"Friends can get drinks together."

"Yeah but you like her! Maybe she likes you too and this is her taking you on a date."

Maybe he was right, maybe this was a date...

"I've never been on a date before! What do I wear? Do I dress formal or casual?!"

"Calm down. Look at the location. Cafe. Dress casual. Just chill, it's not like you're going to the really expensive restaurant across town."

"But how casual?!" I was starting to panic now. "Jeans and a t shirt? Leggings and a t shirt?"

"Try jeans with that nice black and white flannel shirt you have."

I nodded my head and Eric grabbed a jacket from his wardrobe. "And add this sexy leather jacket, give yourself some bad girl edgyness."

I rolled my eyes but stood up and tried the jacket on. It fit me perfectly.

"Add a beanie or a snap back and you're a butch little lesbian."

I glared at him and his smile turned into a frown. "Sorry." He apologised.

I couldn't believe this...Tomorrow I'm going on a date with Maeve Wiley...The meanest girl in school...This school year was getting stranger and stranger...But I kinda liked it.

Falling For The Mean Girl - Sex Education FanFiction (GirlxGirl)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt