Chapter Twenty Three

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Baby come back, any kind of fool could see
There was something in everything about you
Baby come back, you can blame it all on me
I was wrong, and I just can't live without you

-Baby Come Back by the Player-

Chad and Chase were identical twins that sometimes you can't tell them apart when they were young but as they grew older the difference became more prominent.

Chad was born on September 24 around 11:55 PM while his twin Chase came later around 12:01 AM thus making Chad the eldest.

They were the sons of Charles and Julia Scott that immigrated to the Philippines when the twins were 10. Chad became the apple of his parent's eyes as he was well-behaved, always on top of his class and a role model. Chase on the other hand was rebellious, black sheep of the family and was always skippping school to race or drink. As years passed, his parents favored Chad more than Chase but there was no sibling rivalry among the two.

They were both enrolled in an International school when they met Aria who was the prettiest student in school.

Chase met Aria first when he tried to sneak out of school.

"Hey! Shouldn't you be in class?" A pretty brunette shouted as I try to climb the gate at the back of our school.

"If you'll give me a kiss maybe I'll reconsider." I said and hopped down to meet her.

"Oh I know you! You're Chase Scott! The Great Escape artist! You always sneak to cut class! That's not good."

"I can't help that I infamous. So who you might be?"

"I'm Aria Valdez and you're coming back with me." She was so pretty and amusing.

"I am at your disposal madam." I went along with and we went back to class.

Aria and Chase became close and Chase decided to introduce her to Chad.

"Hey bro, I want you to meet a girl. She awesome."

"I do hope she is. You seem besotted."

Chase arranged to meet Aria outside their school with Chad.

"Aria, meet Chad my brother."

From the moment they laid eyes on each other, they fell in love. Chad and Aria dated secretly so Chase wouldn't know but they were caught one time.

"What the hell Chad?! I knew her first!"

"Yes you did but we're both in love. "

"You already got everything! Why her? Why take her away from me?" Chase lashed out.

"She was never yours to begin with."

It took a lot of coaxing from Aria so Chase and Chad stopped ignoring each other. The three became inseparable although Chase still harbors feelings for Aria.


"Why did you open the door Aria? Why the heck are you wearing my shirt?"

"Well, I had nothing to change into! You puked on my dress! I ordered pizza as I am hungry. By the way, I think it was your girlfriend. Tall, statuesque and curly haired?" She asked as she closed the door.

"Kara? She was here? She saw you wearing only that?!"

"Uhuh and I guess she got the wrong impression."

"You could have changed into something more decent? My brother would roll in his grave! I need to catch her."

I hurriedly ran out of the door and went to the lift. As I ran outside, I saw Kara on Maui's car sobbing. Ria just got out of the drive way on Kara's car. Both speed away even before I had the chance to catch them.

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