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Sort of a filler chapter.. I'm not that proud of it but

Enjoy reading! <3

Also hi! *waves to the new readers*

PS: That pic above might be a hint for future chapters. Creds of pic go to owner.


"I said I was sorry Riko!" I pleaded with her to forgive me as she continued to ignore me.

She stopped walking and glared at me. "Akina nee chan! I am new to Konohagakure and I was late to the first day of school because I was waiting for you. I felt so bad when you forgot about me. Why didn't you come?"

I gave her a weak smile. "I got lost on the path of... love?"

She snorted. "Love? That's even worse than Kakashi sensei."

I laughed lightly. "How about to apologize, I'll buy you some ramen?"

"I hate ramen."


"I want some pocky. Buy them for me." 

I stared after her, dumbfounded as she dragged me to the convenience store. After buying her pocky of 5 diffeent flavors, she was finally satisfied.

"R-Riko.. I'm broke." I anime cried.

"You should be late more often, Akina nee! I love these new flavors." She gushed happily.

I nodded. "I'll buy you anything I want! I'll be late everyday to buy you pocky."

She gave me another smile and my thoughts became slightly muddled as my eyes became transfixed on her grin. She looked so cute! No one can resist her.

"Oyy! Akina chan!" I heard Naruto call for me. I got an irk mark.

"Not now Naru! I'm going to buy pocky for my precious Riko after getting more money."

Naruto walked over to me. "Akina chan, you never buy anything for me."

"Why should I?"

Riko crossed her arms. "Akina nee will buy stuff only for me!"

"What she said hm." 

Naruto gave me a confused stare. "You are acting weird dattebayo."

"What do you mean? I'm normal." I scoffed. 

He continued staring at me and then Riko who gave him a bright grin. His posture relaxed. He shot me a smile. 

"Gomen gomen for doubting you both. Let's go and train!" Naruto cheered.

Riko nodded with a smile and I carried her as we ran towards the training grounds. Sasuke was training there with Kakashi sensei. 

"Yo teme! Kakashi sensei!" Naruto greeted them and I gave them a wave.

"Hn. Why are you here dobe, Akina?" 

"To train 'ttebayo! Kakashi sensei, you said that you'd teach me a super cool new jutsu which will defeat Akina chan. Teach it to me!"

Kakashi laughed. "Maa, Akina chan knows it better than I do. I'm teaching Sasuke a new jutsu already."

"Is it chidori?" I asked, my eyes slightly widening. If Sasuke and Naruto learn a few jutsus before the Chunin exams, it could help us a lot more.

"Hn. You are right."

Naruto groaned. "If Akina chan knows this jutsu then how will I defeat her?!"

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