42. Fleeing from Team 7

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Enjoy the small teaser!


Unedited because Blue (aka me) is sleepy asf!

Point out typos please!

Enjoy reading!



"You weren't supposed to help her." He said slowly.

The man he was speaking to turned around.

"She was going to kill herself." He spoke lowly.

"She wouldn't. Unless you read her mi-"

"Yes, I did."

Silence echoed between the two men and the man clad in black only sighed.


"You aren't wrong." The second man said firmly as he left no more room for further arguments.

"Okay then, old friend."

"DON'T YOU DARE TAKE HIM AWAY, AKINA!" Shikamaru screamed furiously at the auburn haired girl.

Carrying Asuma's body, she turned around to see the pathetic Konoha team on the ground, defeated easily by the two members- the Zombie duo.

"Stripes, you know these dumb fucks?" Hidan couldn't help but laugh.

She gave them a stare devoid of emotions ignoring his question.

"Weaklings, the whole lot of you. If I'd stepped in Shikamaru, you'd be dead by now."

He struggled to stand up, but faltered and fell down again.

Angry tears formed in his eyes.

"I'll kill you all."






"ASUMA!!" Shikamaru's anguished cries resonated in the forest as Akina let out an insane laugh.


She brought her kunai down in his heart and his eyes fluttered open as he turned to Shikamaru moments before.

He mouthed words to him and it was as if time slowed down.

'Tell Kurenai I love her'

Not caring about his injury, Shikamaru got up and began running, hands outstretched and tears escaping his eyes.

He breathed his last.

Blood splattered on the seemingly insane girl's face and she purred.

"He didn't go out with a bang after all..."

Akina's POV

"Konan nee?" I questioned.

She gave me a smile, closing her paper wings and fluttering down towards the ground. With the sunlight shining in her eyes, she looked like a true tenshi.

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