48. Lemons?

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100 K...

Man.. I don't even know what to say..

Rant at the end!

Okay, and this chapter is not a part of the regular story line. Its a 'What if' scenario.

It will be the Akatsuki members (Deidara, Hidan, Kisame and Itachi) exploring the 'new device'.


Fair warning. They are slightly ooc in this. 

Also, I am not bashing ItaSasu.

Okay, maybe I am so please don't get offended. 

I'm warning you now.



Pain called us into the meeting room.

For what, no one knows.

Pushing against the taller figures, I popped up in the front next to Deidara, brushing his long hair aside. 

"What the hell is that?"

"Its big."

A snicker. "That's what she said."

A smack followed by an ouch.

"It has.. wires attached to it. Ninja wires?"

"No, they seem to be insulated using a plastic cover."

My eyes were wide. Kisame turned to me.

"Akina, are you crying?"

I sniffled. "Yeah, I am. I know this baby."

The members exchanged looks with each other and Pain cleared his throat catching our attention.

"The Land of Gijutsu has created a new device and they call it a computer." 

Deidara moved slightly and noticed the puddle of water below him. He turned to me incredulously.

"Stop crying, un!"

A fountain was erupting from both my eyes.

"I can't. Leader sama, may I explain this beautiful piece of technology to the uneducated swines behind me?"

Pain glanced at the blank screen and then to me.

"I want to know what this is as well. Apparently instead of using paper, we can use this.. device to store information."

I giggled.

Shivers went up everyone's spines and Kisame whispered something to Itachi.

"I... somehow don't like this."

Itachi nodded in agreement.

"Gather around me, uneducated children. I shall introduce you to the fandom. Who wants to do useless shit such as storing information? This baby has internet access and we're about to do a whole lotta shit such as dealing with ships."

"Ships? No Akina we do not want to buy a ship." Kakuzu said, narrowing his eyes at me.

I turned on the computer and waited patiently for it to start.

"Its not exactly a ship. Its a pairing fangirls make."


"Akina no."

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