39. Just WHAT in Satan's Ass Was I Thinking?!

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A visual representation of you (Uraraka- girl on the right) and me (Midoriya- crying boy) later in the chapter's AN!! 


Shinra tensei = push

Bansho ten'n = pull

Hope you guys have seen Shrek 2. Remember how Donkey annoys Fiona and Shrek while travelling to the kingdom of Far Far Away?

If you do, then good!

If you don't then.. well you'll soon find out what happens in the movie.

You'll see her more immature self in this chapter which I feel like I haven't showcased enough..

This honestly is one of my favorite chapters. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!

Enjoy! (But not too much lol)



Please do read it!

Btw.. if there are any typos tell me. I haven't proof read the chapter yet..


Akina's POV

Pain raised a single eyebrow when I walked into his office hours later.

I cleared my throat.

"I'm here."

"Five hours late."

"I know."

"Aren't you going to say something?"

I tilted my head. "Like wha- oh! Sorry Pain, I kinda got distracted by Kisame fangirling and making a bet with Kakuzu only to lose it badly. Deidara got emotional over Sasori. Then Itachi fainted and Tobi chan helped me carry him into his room. Before that, Hidan had semi kidnapped me and Tobi chan conveniently forgot to tell me about you."

"You couldn't come up with a better excuse?"

"It all happened!"

His voice seemed as dry as the Sahara desert and he spoke. 

"Sure, the S ranked shinobi of the Akatsuki faint and fangirl."

"But it happened!" I protested loudly, my cheeks flushed.

It sounds absolutely ridiculous, but its true god dammit!

He sighed. "Your lie was very well executed. It was very difficult to see through it but I managed."

How did you see through it if its not a lie?! 

You liar Pain!!

My mouth was wide opened as I tried to form words to speak but I could only gasp and point towards the members, hoping he'd understand.

He stood up. "I see that you've bonded enough. Well, lets go train with your rinnegan."

"What? Oh sure."

I missed the small twitch near the corner of his lips.

"Shinra tensei!" Pain let out a chakra wave from his hand and it pushed me away. I went flying to land on the ground.

Wiping the sweat from my face, I stood up and let branches emit from my hands, using a great amount of my chakra.

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