Chapter 56 - Inching Closer

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"How are you feeling, Ink?"

"What the fuck was that? Out of everything you could ask, that's what you'd say?" Nightmare said with a look of irritation.

"Sorry that you're just standing there impatiently." Sci said in a mutter. He ignored the spike of anger and focused on the slave who wasn't even looking at him. "Are you with me, Ink?"

The slave glanced at him before looking at the ground and nodding. Sci smiled and took it as invitation to continue. "How are you feeling right now, Ink?"

"..." The slave kept looking down before speaking almost in a hush voice, "Scared..."

"I'm sure you are but you see, we didn't expect for you to do that. Surely there would be a reason, right?"

"...Someone was calling. Asking for help... I couldn't resist." Sci frowned at the words and realized that the other acted on instinct. Of what the real Ink would actually do in that situation.

"I see... What did you feel at that time?"

"Concerned and... and... uncomfortable of what Master's doing." Ink looked down and fidgeted his right hand with his thumb.

Nightmare did mentioned that Error ordered Ink to do something and the scientist will gladly piece two and two together than ask directly.

"Listen," Sci urged the other to look at him directly, lifting the other's chin. "You and your Master are facing an inexplainable situation. Your memories and our friends' are at risk. You may feel hurt but I promise that both of you will benefit in the long run."

If the slave would talk honestly, he would say that he doesn't understand what Sci had said or how in any terms but he nodded. Accepted that he will never understand it because he wasn't smart enough to figure it out and just trust the skeleton and his Master.

"Why don't you tell Nightmare about your Master? He'll be very happy to hear it." A protest was heard but Sci once again ignored it in favor of keeping the eye contact and full attention of the look-a-like of the Guardian of Creation. "Anything you would like to share."

The scientist exited Ink's room where they kept him with Nightmare and Cross in tow.

"Is this some low payback for the insult? You are so childish." Nightmare said.

"I simply don't want to hear cruel and... inhumane things as Dream described to me. Fourth clearly doesn't treat him well and I don't want it to be discussed as if it was a walk in the park."

"So? It was simple stories."

"That happened and that excludes it with fairy tales or lore. The scars proves it. Dream said that you didn't flinch when he told you about it."

Nightmare looked away with a deeper frown. "He really said that?"

Sci gave a concern look. "Please don't attack him."

"I won't. It's just... I know it was real but... I can't change anything. I'll only make it worse. If I'm the villain in their story, then there would be more reason for that slave to be afraid. But since I want my home back," Nightmare turned around and began walking back inside the room. "I'll do it."

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