Chapter 54 - Reconcile

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Nightmare closed the book he was reading.

He still can't access through DreamTale. The fucking glitches around the Multiverse were increasing. They've been staying in the Anti-void and take shifts to check on the two wanna-be. Dream and Blue were gone, taking care of the universes possibly getting their worlds glitched out. He went to the kitchen, setting down the empty cup of coffee he had earlier. Then a thud from above echoed through the house.

Nightmare waited for a few seconds. It was followed shortly with pounding footsteps. There's no one upstairs besides the two. He speedwalked to the stairs and calmly climbed it. He looked up and found the area empty so he continued until he stepped through the corridor.

Someone bumped into him, alerting his defense and raising all his sharpened tentacles. Then he looked properly and it was Fourth. An irritated look in his eye lights as he catch his breath. Nightmare felt annoyed that this little shits wouldn't behave. It also made him confused as to why the other wasn't harboring the fear and respect he had seen these past few days they'd meet.

"What the fuck is happening?" Nightmare asked.

Fourth stared at him before speaking, "Where's the squid?"

Nightmare gave a confuse look before almost smacking himself from almost forgetting it was Ink. Since when did Fourth called his slave that though?

"Tell me what happened."

The General seemed hesitant before a more firm glare from the King of Negativity urged him to talk, "I... ordered him to do something..." He paused with a tint of blush in which the King tried to ignore and just keep staring. "He said no and called me... what were the words? 'Windows... Vista'? Then ran off."

Fuck, to all who took shifts and see if anything changes, it has to be Nightmare to get the most impactful one. Fourth never talked like this and the slave wasn't this rebelling since the first time they saw the two. He had to do something. Find... find the other first and try something.

"I am certain he didn't go downstairs so he must be inside one of the rooms."

The General nodded and it only served to annoy the tar-covered skeleton. He had to resolve this and bring Sci here. He approached the room with the plate 'Blue' etched on it. He tried the knob and it opened but no one was there in plain sight. If Ink was in another room, he might use this as an advantage and ran to another room if they both went in.

He looked back at Error's wanna-be and spoke, "Stay and keep watch in case Ink's in another room."

He didn't wait for confirmation and just turned around and started lifting the bed with his tentacles. No one was there so he opened the walk-in closet but found no one too. He tried to sense anyone inside the room but found the emotion of nervousness in another part of the upper floor instead. He exited the room calmly and followed the aura. The King found himself standing in front of Dream's room.

He rested the side of his skull on the door and heard small breaths from afar and a building up frustration. Nightmare gambled the chances of the slave being distracted and let one of his tentacles slip under the crack and open the door. Once he heard it click, he opened it just in time. The slave activated Broomy's power, the ink crawling up his form and taking him wherever he wanted. Nightmare acted quickly and pulled the slave by the scarf and yanked the weapon away with his tentacle.

Luckily, the other didn't even struggle and just went limp on defeat. "What a bother..."

He set Ink-wannabe down on the bed and took Broomy away. He stood at the center of the room and took a look at the two. Fourth wasn't moving by the door frame but he left a warning still, "Move from where you are and I swear that one of you won't make it back alive."

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