Chapter 9 - Lies

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Error lied...

Ink wanted to strangle the destroyer the moment he walked in but restrained himself. If Error knew he sneaked out, both of them would just get into a messy fight. For all he knew, the other half was taken to the Royal Palace by the Commander. He was upset that Error didn't tell him anything. That day was the day he kept on convincing Ink to stay put. He can't trust Error if he kept lying like this. How could he filter the truths from the lies even then?

Is he planning on leaving me behind?

"Ink?" Error asked behind him and the artist faced him from his chair with a smile.

He noticed the bow held by the glitch and the quiver slung behind him. He placed it by the study table.

"How's your day?" Ink asked.

"Finally found Nightmare's pattern. He was ranking the generals by skills. Horror was a bit fast and lethal but predictable." Ink already knew that when he mentioned Horror, he was the Sixth General.

"So you're thinking that the Seventh wasn't going to be a problem?" Ink recalled the comment he got earlier about his eye lights.

"Yeah, I think they're not going to be." Error said and looked at the snow outside. "The snow by the courtyard was already thick."

Ink gripped the side of the chair as he restrained his anger. "We'd be going later, right?"

Error nodded and went to the bed to take a small rest. Ink looked outside, getting a relaxing feeling by looking out the forest, slowly turning white. There's no use in getting mad so he tried to put the matter behind.

If he won't tell me anything, then I'd do it myself.

Ink decided as he looked back at Error. Simply playing with his strings. Ink knew that he have to be extra careful because of his stupid level. He couldn't risk it.

"Can you get the tray outside, Ink?" Error requested and Ink stood up to get it.

He looked outside if there was anyone and when there's no one, he picked up the tray. His clothes were already gone maybe Blue brought them. He brought it back in and did their usual thing. Neglecting the gray paste and sharing on the General's meal.

"Could you teach me in archery?"

Ink nodded enthusiastically and grabbed the weapon by the table and observed it for any damage. Finding none, he gestured for the other to come by his side. He started explaining the basics of handling it and aiming the weapon.

"Give it a try!" Ink grinned as the other messed up in the first try. "You can do it."

Ink felt that he could win the Best Actor Award because of how he look and sound happy even if he was screaming and dying inside. He better get a golden statue when he get back.


After hours of practice and small lectures, the sky was already dark. No sooner, Blue already brought in their dinner. Ink's anger had melted now but became more visibly sad. Error noticed the distress on the other's face.

"Is something wrong?"

Ink gave an assuring smile. "Yeah, just a little drain with all the rambling."

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