Chapter 57 - Departure

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"I really am not going..."

The hurt in Dream's voice was evident but Killer tried very hard to stick to his decision. It's for his own good after all.

"Well, I really prefer if you're out of harm's way. The King said you don't like wars anyway..."

"But the King does like my direct involvement. He always says so..." Dream reasoned although not defend it. Even if he complains, Nightmare's words are final, as it always been.

"We'll be back, don't worry too much. You're much needed here than in Akayden." Killer assured with a look at the kid inside the cell with hands shackled above his head and kept on the tip of his shoes.

"Have... have you heard...?" Dream asked with a blush of shame after Killer looked away and remembered Martial's almost escapes. "I was caught off guard... I only left to take our meals... and the King was..."

"It's fine, I'm not mad."

"Sir...? It's time." Dust's voice echoed before he appeared by the stairs. He stood still by the bottom of it and gave a small nod of acknowledgement to Dream.

Killer sighed and gave Seventh another look, sneaking a hand to his pockets and handing a rectangular gift wrapped in a used parchment. The gold-eyed General looked at him and First smiled and left for the exit. Dream tried to stop himself from speaking but he feared to not see the other again so he spoke.

"First General, sir!" Killer looked back so he continued, "I'm thinking about it..."

The higher-ranked grinned at the words. "Well then, I'm looking forward for trying a few interesting clothes with you soon."

As soon as Dust climbed back up, Dream opened the wrapped item. He found a familiar rectangular mirror. Some blood spots were on it so he suspected that it was from one of the killed assassins in the Winter Ball. There are others like these but either they were shattered unwillingly or intentionally.

The paper wrap was surprisingly the image drawn by Ink kept in his drawer. He hadn't had time to pack but Killer said he'll handle everything for him. He saw once again that unfamiliar joy in his image and the clothes worn by everyone. What Killer was wearing was strange but not displeasing to the eye. So that's what he meant by trying a few clothes...

He stared at a small piece of paper behind the mirror and felt a small smile slipped.

Use this in dire need. I fear everything might not end so well. I want you safe if we're not back by the final day of X-Gaster's Arrival. Do not attempt to fight X-Gaster, flee from here and never return. Start anew and forget. If you truly considered my words, please I beg of you.


It was touching how First just trusted him so easily. How much he cared for him even when Dream fell from his grace. Seventh feet like he didn't deserve it. All this attention, all this affection, all this help? He felt like he was undeserving and maybe that was true.

Of course he will never stay here if Nightmare was defeated. Sooner or later the ruler of X-Domain or Cyfrin will find a single evidence that will show that Dream was the King's twin brother. If that befalls, he was sure X-Gaster and Fresh would want no trace of the Joku bloodline and kill him too. Dream couldn't imagine serving the either of the man anyway. Cross may have taken the throne by then but he'd never expect himself to live without Nightmare.

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