Chapter 34 - Past

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"I want to go back to Error."

Dream blinked as he let the silence fill in between them. Ink was looking at him seriously while he blankly look. After a minute of uncomfortable silence in Ink's case, he opened his mouth.

"You can't."

"Eh?! Why not?" Ink screamed as he sat up and faced Dream.

"You called him an idiot."

"I don't meant it like that! It's just that... he thought he could do everything on his own. He couldn't because he needs me."

"There's nothing wrong with that. He just did what he thought was best."


He couldn't just abandon his promise with me.

"But you know? I doubt that was the only reason."

Dream faced foward and mumbled to himself inaudibly. Ink tilted his head.


First took a deep breath. "My reputation is being threatened by Seventh."

"The kid?" Ink askes incredulously.

First curled one leg to lay on the bed and twisted his torso to face the ofher as best as he could. "You've trained under him for a week at the Barracks. You've seen his ability in training and in actual battle."

"So you will throw me away when I'm no use?"

"I planned on returning you once I got my answers but Martial ruined that."

Ink looked down and felt bad saying that to Dream but ought to ask when instead.

"When will I leave?"

"Tomorrow, I have no training."

Dream decided to leave it at that as he stretched his hand and grabbed the parchment with the drawing and observed it once more. They almost looked the same and incredible but one in the pile of skeletons caught his attention. His frown painted his face as he looked at it.

"Who is this?"

He heard the rustle of the covers and the bed dipping behind him. He felt the artist's presence behind, chin barely brushing his shoulder. He waited, still pointing at the character. Ink answered so casually that it stopped Dream breathing for a moment.

"Hm? Oh yeah. Your twin brother, Nightmare, when he wasn't looking like a calamari." Ink said and grin at the insult.

It wasn't a mistake to call Nightmare as that. However, it was a mistake that Ink blinked because he was punched right on the face. He fell right on the pillows and pinned with a hand by his neck. He tried to scratch the hand but can't. He let out a low hiss at the throbbing pain before he opened his eye sockets.

"What's wrong with-"

He didn't dare move from the knife pointed right at his throat. He can't move from his position but he shivered. Dream was looking at him murderously, sweat sliding down his temple.

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