Chapter 30 - Matter of Perspective

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The air was cold.

That was the first thing the real Fourth General felt as he landed once again in a new world. They had been running day and night but strangely, the impostors were not behind them.

"They're not following us anymore." The slave pointed out flatly.

He observed the snow covered ground and houses lined up. Some are inns and a place to eat but Error barely gave them mind.

"Where are we, Master?" Error would have mistaken it as a statement because of how flat the tone was.

"I do not have any clue." Error answered.

He entered one named Grillby's but found no one inside. The place was abandoned and this wasn't the first one he had seen this restaurant. He had seen countless imitations of this place and it was never-ending but this was the first of seeing a version abandoned. He looked at his hand, perplexed of the strange ability.

"How are you able to do that, Master?" Ink asked, referring to his dimension-jumping ability.

"Quiet down." Fourth scolded as the constant questions were starting to annoy him.

If he could understand clearly, this magic he possessed allowed him to travel in different realities. He went blindly anywhere he go, seeing sets of numbers right before he use his magic and he would choose and it would take them to another reality. The numbers he could see would probably lead him to his very own reality but he recalled that he had never used magic in his reality and only found himself and his slave there in that spacious land and sooner, with impostors of his reality. The King was even there and he didn't do much while chasing them. Just stared at Error boredly as First's imitation chased him with too much positivity. With the way Dream was acting, it was obvious that he was not First General and not if he called Nightmare 'Brother' too many times.

He looked behind him to see his slave still following from behind. What did they call him? Ink... it was a good name. It fitted the other perfectly. He may not be able to explain it clearly but there was this lingering feeling of... desperation? He felt obligated to protect his property and not just by means of using him as a shield when everything falls but in a meaning of he would put his own life just to save him. He couldn't understand this feeling and his slave was becoming rather... talkative. It was something and he wondered if they were both having strange feelings.

His senses brought him back as he couldn't hear the snow crunching behind him and so he looked back and his slave wasn't there.


"I'm glad you are finally healed. You've taken too long." Dust said as he passed by Fourth in the castle.

He raised a brow as he noticed the lack of energy even with that smile Error gave him.

"Fourth is not acting well, Brother."

"I can see that clearly."

Dust mumbled to his brother as they observed the lack of energy in the other's movements. There was something definitely wrong but he couldn't understand. Was it the injuries? There's no bandage or cuts anymore and that was just an indication that he had healed just fine.

Before he could ask, someone else interrupted it and Martial was by the hallway. He was looking at them with a blank expression.

'A meeting is being held and you are both late.' Martial signed as he looked at them with annoyance.

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