Chapter 63 - He Will Reclaim This Land

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He remembered how they razed Akayden.

No war on neutral grounds. Merely the conquering of another power to prove superiority. For Dream, the fall of Akayden was proof of his loyalty to his brother. Proof of his love that none could challenge. That day Dream led the army with Killer and Error under crimson red skies. The sun hiding from their sins and the moon soon rising to inevitably see their hands drenched in blood. It did not take so much time when Dream marched up to the castle's doors. The villagers and soldiers slaughtered behind him in his command.

After that, it was like traversing through an unreal dimension. The former First General could faintly feel the weight of the sword belonging to the King himself as he kiss the very floor of his castle. The ruler's identity long gone piled along with unmarked faces of those Dream killed in Nightmare's name. The man begged to spare his family, his precious jewels forevermore. Dream didn't grant it to him though. He slitted the weak man's throat and soon stabbed the mother of two little children. Dream hesitated then when it came to the children. Remembering his twin and as an apology, a quick death in the same time so that they may rest together and not apart. The moon had glared at them when the genocide finished. The blood black under the moonlight.

In these tree lines, Dream remembered where they scouted before attacking the peace in this country. He now stood in the same tree lines after using the mirror provided by Killer. What he saw was not towering walls though but empty ruins. The remaining walls of the castle sank beneath the thick snow. However, he expected screams and clashing weapons but all he saw was abandoned swords and armors. For a moment, panic crept up to him.

Am I too late? Did I fail? Had he won?

Then from afar, his attention caught when he heard a scream of anguish. He caught sight of three figures dangling in the mercy of Nightmare's tentacles. That was enough for Dream to move and try to find anything to help him. He ran through the treelines in search of anyone nearby. He was not disappointed when he spotted a familiar face.

"Killer!" He shouted as he picked up the pace.

His intended person looked at him and emitted a face of relief before switching to confusion then to disbelief.


Words were not enough to express Dream's feelings when he hugged the other. Killer's alive. He's still here. All was not lost.

"You're not supposed to be here!" Killer hissed as he tried to pull Dream behind a tree.

"I know, I know you wished for me to go but I can't," Dream said as he slipped through First's grasp. "I must end this. I can and I will."

Killer shook his head and held his hands, "Words will not help, Dream. He will soon devour us all."

Dream can feel the fear in Killer. Dream doesn't need that. He needed something else. He needed light from them. Dream needed them to understand. He smiled at Killer and said, "I am the other side of his coin. I will put an end to him, I will face my brother."

Killer was left floundering for words. "I- You- Him?"

"Not much resemblance, I understand," Dream jested and the other was on the brink of losing his mind.

"That... is too much to accept and... understand... You will tell me more when we go home," Killer scolded before pulling him to the crowd. Too fast to catch the small change in Dream's smile.

Dream truly did feel anxious when he faced familiar and judging faces. Dream later noticed that they are soldiers from both Atalante and Cyfrin. Battered and wary they looked at him knowing his allegiance the last they met. In the crowd, he met Reaper's gaze who gave him a grin.

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