Chapter 29 - Harmless Blackmails

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It's been three days.

It's been three days since Ink met Muffet. It's been three days since Dream was treating him so carefully. It's been three days and he still can't find any clue of how to get past any of them or what to do.

It's been three days since these stupid emotions won't disappear.

It kept clinging onto him like some kind of glue and no matter how he clawed and scratch it with hateful words he heard from Error, nothing worked. If anything, it only powered his sadness and Ink was getting frustrated. He couldn't think straight like this.

Addition to this was the strange behavior coming from Dream. He wasn't pushing Ink around in fact, he was gentle and care for him. Ink has doubts that it was a simple caring attitudes. He won't take him away if there's no reason.

Did Dream took him away or Error doesn't need him anymore?

What was the point of giving him the orb if Error would go back alone?

Or did he loved the way he lives here?

Would he really choose that over Ink?

Ink's not that valuable anyways... Who was he to Error before this? Nothing but a nuisance...

If Error doesn't want to go home anymore, then he have to go alone but... he promised to go home together. It doesn't matter anymore. Error chose this and Ink would live up to that decision.

I hate him anyway...


"Don't get distracted!" Dream scolded as Martial stopped for a moment to pick up a wrapped up caramel that fell down the floor.

'You almost stepped on it.' Martial wasn't happy.

Dream gulped but answered. "I did not mean to."

First called it cheating everytime Martial would stall like this and suddenly thrust his katana like it was nothing. Dream immediately blocked but the surprise was enough for Seventh to attack him relentlessly. He was swept out of his feet and Martial already pointing a sword to his neck. The older one glared at the tip before looking at those forest green eye lights.

"You cheated..." This wasn't the first time he had said it but he felt like he should.

Martial only smiled and retracted the blade. Dream knew that there's a reason for the smile and lack of response. He wasn't much of an enthusiast to what the other has to offer. It usually ended up a bad thing.

He remembered one similar like this and it was always a blackmail. He ended up wearing Seventh's uniforms for his guards. Everyone was looking at him funnily and he received a good talk from his brother for letting himself be ridiculed.

The other time was another blackmail and that was to call Martial 'The Great Successor' everytime he would see the younger one. The lower one said he didn't like the title at all but he just like ridiculing Dream infront of everyone in attempt to 'throw him out his little word'. He couldn't understand the other at all.

Right now, training was over and now that he was being dragged out the castle to Seventh's tower meant that it was another blackmail. First knew he should flail like there was no tomorrow but in truth, the other would start spilling the embarrassing blackmail out in the open.

But it was never dangerous. It was never something that would land him in real trouble with the King.

He was pulled to the third floor where it was only an open space with couches and shown a good view of the  outside and the palace on the other window. The windows were currently covered with dark green curtains with gold trim lines and Martial would only open them when it was nighttime.

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