Chapter 31 - First is Being Weird

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The plan worked out perfectly.

Dream won't doubt his brother in these things. Ink would prefer making plans head-on which had a fifty-fifty chance of working. Nightmare however, plans ahead of time. For it to fail had a twenty percent of possibility but the back-up plan attached to it was unpredictable. The King of Negativity grew up watching everyone in the sidelines that reading other people was a piece of cake.

"Ink?!" Error knew it wasn't his slave's name because he had yet to give him one but it slipped out unexpectedly.

He looked around the snowy path with nothing to see and he knew that they've taken him. This was a different chase than before and he have to be on guard.

"Give him back!" Fourth General bellowed as glitches danced around him showing his distress.

He was surrounded and away, from the back, Second's impostor kept his slave from escaping. A knife pointed at his throat that if it was the real Error and Ink, they would have paid no mind because of their immortality. This rang alarm bells within Dream but he just kept on inching closer, even if Error drawn out a sword, they could outnumber him in many ways than one.

"Just come with us peacefully, Error. We'll talk this out." Dust said almost uninterestedly although with small encouragement.

Error glared hatefully. "No."

Fourth tried to run in one of the large gaps between the people circling him but crimson red bones caged him. He hissed as his arm made contact with one, his clothes burnt and a stinging pain on the spot. He frowned as he deduced that it was magic. He looked up and scanned them to see Dust's outstretched arm. It must be him and Error wondered briefly if his version was able to do it too. He tried not to move as the cage buzzed with magic.

"We will let you out once you go with us on your own free will." Dream coaxed as he approached slowly.

"Release him first." Error negotiated as he looked at his trembling companion by the back.

"We will talk to you separately and if we found nothing of importance, you can be on your own merry way."

Error knew that this Nightmare wasn't his King yet it still made him tremble by the sheer intimidation radiating off the slime-covered skeleton. The clothes and lack of crown was the only difference and nothing more. He stayed silent for a few minutes, thinking to himself as he could feel everyone's gaze upon him then slowly nodded.

Even if he wanted to fight, he was in clear disadvantage if one of them could use magic and clearly, not just one of them if they were able to follow them everywhere.

The bones disappeared and Ink was released. Error didn't dare run because of the still tense atmosphere as he trudged his way to his slave. The hollowed look was sent his way but Error learned to read it like an open book.

"What should I do?"

The inaudible question was properly displayed infront of him. Ink won't talk as he ordered silence just earlier. When he was close enough, he grabbed Ink's hand. The wariness grew tenfold as everyone readied incase they made a sudden wrong move. Error didn't pay attention to it as he spoke.

"Answer their questions at your absolute. Cooperation is a must." The slave nodded almost hesitantly.

Error could understand the statement behind his eye lights and the way the other fidgeted.

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