Chapter 12 - Who is He?

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"Good morning, Shorty."

Ink woke up in bed. The sun was bright and shining through the closed windows. Error was still beside him. He couldn't remember anything and so he tried to recall what he remembered so far.

"I fell asleep on the bathroom." He stated out.

"I carried you here. For some unknown reasons, you slept for the rest of the day. I don't understand how your body works." Error said as he slid off the bed.

"I guess it's a talent." Ink grinned teasingly and stole a glance at the tray of leftover breakfast.

He ate the porridge although it was cold. How can he blame anyone? He slept for the whole day. He looked at Error who was already picking out clothes. Being the responsible partner he was, he helped him on picking what's matching.


Error was quite bewildered. Earlier, he passed by Blue on the second floor. The servant greeted him and he remembered the empty bowl from yesterday. He asked the smaller one about the bowl. The other told him that it was a bowl of caramels for the Seventh. He dismissed the other and walked away even if he sensed the weird look the other gave.

He didn't go back from his room to ask Ink but he was worried that the other ate the treats before the Seventh even step inside the room. Why didn't Ink told him of Seventh? Unless he wasn't aware? Maybe Seventh didn't visit yesterday and Ink spent his time eating the caramels away.

Before he knew it, he was inside the Palace. He managed to sneak out the butler guiding him to the training room. He have to find the orb sooner or later. He went down a hallway and he was lost. This side of the castle was almost untouched. Thin layers of dusts gathered but the look of the place mesmerized him.

There were twin stairs parting and between that was a wooden double door. The stairs meet by the center and to another glass-like double doors. There was a chandelier right at the center. Couches at the sides and opened windows at the right. The dust particles were dancing through the sunlight gaze. This part was almost unkempt. He stepped forward and examined the gold doorknobs of the wooden doors. He wondered where this was heading.

"Hey! You shouldn't be here."

Error froze in his place and slowly turned around facing one of the guards. It was just one and Error prayed that his position would intimidate the smug soldier.

"I'm the Fourth General." He stated but only got a chuckle of amusement.

"I obey no one except the King, Sir." The soldier adavanced towards him. "His Majesty strictly stated that no one shall wander without supervision."

Error cursed to himself mentally at the inconvenience. If he got apprehended he'll book it with Ink. This is going downhill. These servants will only respond to the one they are serving. Much like no one will obey him if he try to order anyone in another General's tower. He didn't know what to do. He was frozen in place.

The guard was approaching him. Error could easily wrap him in strings and all the others as long as he wasn't found out. Then he would find the other half then go to Ink. It would be a great plan. A great plan if he could just move! He'll wait for the guard to be in certain distance.

One... He's closing in.

Two... He spread his fingers as magic gained on the tips, about to form strings.



Error was frozen as he felt someone beside him. The one who spoke was the guard and he seemed troubled meeting whoever was beside him. The destroyer's gaze travelled to the one beside him.

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