Chapter 61 - The Mad King's Gone And Lost His Head

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The order was received with thorough obedience and even the opponent came to protect themselves from stray arrows. Lust snuck quickly through the raining projectiles. He would have preffered if Fresh played dirty and actually brought magical weapons, but then again, they should come clean when observed in and out of other kingdoms and avoid further altercations. Cheating through this would make them dishonorable to allied forces and formidable enemies. He started attacking soldiers of Atalante, taking down some Generals responsible for the army. Others instinctively got out of positions and a quick throw of knives in their faces and close combat got rid of them, if not, the arrows did.

He saw some of their assassins sped fast him to assist. Focusing on another thing was proved to be a challenge when his gaze kept flickering to the darkening skies and Nightmare's slowly creeping negativity. He hoped the two Guardians have something for this.


Ink yet again blocked a whirl of tentacles sent their way. He wanted to say something of how Nightmare is an octopus in this upgrade but the situation's pretty deep. They tried making an opening but that tentacle was thicker than the length of Cross's standard knife and ended up making small slash opening that just ate away by the tar like substance. Ink had fought Nightmare many times and never unscathed when things get ugly and that included lethal blows which Ink was avoiding. If he made any risky moves, it should be for the best event and not a last option.

Error asked if Cross could make larger ones and the Prince said that it was possible but require more magic and stamina. Error thought that if they want to make any impact, direct contact should do it. The only thing they have to defeat Nightmare was a direct soul shatter. This situation just made it all harder.

"We are not making any progress! We have to take a risk" Cross said with a trace of impatience.

"Let's... let's not. Cross, please don't!" Ink chastised while catching his breath.

Error stole a glance and saw Cross building up enough magic to make a giant knife. Error tried his best, going up against the tendrils and sliced it to pieces. Ink caught the plan immediately and started helping and sending off disks in attempt of affecting Nightmare's body but as predicted it was swallowed like nothing.

"Error! We've got to stop Cross from wasting magic! It's not going to work! If he missed that small soul wherever it was inside that monstrosity, this will go to waste." Ink called out before flipping over a tendril and running up to it and sending another disk right at the head where one singular roaming turqouise eye watched their futile attempts.

Error knew Ink got his back as he slid off to race where Cross is. Error had to strain his neck to look at the giant blade of magic. He gulped down his uneasiness of how easy that thing would kill him now. That was gigantic alright.

"CROSS! WAIT!" He called out, catching the monochrome's attention. "We cannot take this gamble. If you miss one time, we would have to drag you around. I don't like to say this, but you will be a liability."

Cross stared and Error felt it was so long but he didn't break gazes. The giant knife slowly minimized and turned to a regular size, the Prince took a deep breath.

"What should we do?"

Error felt sweat dripped down his chin. What Cross asked was honestly a hard question. They should be more smart in their moves. Magic is limited and Nightmare doesn't even seem to be showing any slowing down. Error stole a gaze at Ink and saw one of the disks managed to slice through after multiple attempts. He realized belatedly that it wasn't just a random attack but Ink was aiming for something, as the damage closed up, another barrage came and opened a new location and he focused his sight.

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