Chapter 43 - Start of the Show

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Where have you been?

Chara looked at him with annoyance as they both bumped into each other in the crowd. Cross gave a nervous chuckle. He didn't mean to disappear and make Chara search for him. He got too intrigued with Ink. The way the slave talk and move was interesting.

I just got distracted.

Chara only sighed and held his wrist, dragging him to the backroom. “There are hardly any interesting people.

You'll be surprise. Cross just gave an innocent smile at the confused look thrown at him.

Chara pulled back the purple curtains enough to let Cross in first. The skeleton walked in, muttering a small greetings. It was a room with purple wallpaper, marked with black crescent moon patterns. At the opposite end of the wall across him were two doors that might lead to different rooms. The doors were separated by a thick wall.  Chairs and couches were occupied by the Generals and others. A carpet set at the center of the room. A maid walked in to give tea to the guests or attend to other requests.

He looked around and spotted his father listening to Nightmare. He'd rather not approach them like this. He saw Frisk trying to snatch one of Martial's caramels which the general kept out of reach. Some were talking to each other unlike Killer and Dream which was a one-sided conversation to First from Second. He caught Error deep in thought with crossed arms as he sit still on the chair. He approached silently and the moment he stepped beside Fourth, the other looked up at him.

It's nice to see you again, Fourth.” He greeted kindly.

Fourth slowly nodded at him. “Likewise.

He looked at the others to make sure no one's listening. “Ink seems better.

He watched Fourth's shoulders tense and relaxed before answering. “I guess it is worth my time and effort.

Cross let the silence linger a little longer. Watched intensely at the small twitch of fingers and the small glances darting to him by Error and the sweat beginning to form. Once he was satisfied enough he asked in an almost whisper only for the General to hear.

How much?

Error's tense demeanor changed to a confused one as he looked directly at the monochrome. “Excuse me?

How much would you like in exchange of him?” Cross elaborated and he was internally surprise at the murderous glare and scowl thrown at him.

I'm afraid I am not selling him.

I'm sure you want more money for yourself-

I am NOT, selling Ink to anyone. I'm not leaving him alone.” The air of finality around Error was enough for Cross to stand down and find it a lost cause.

Pardon my words. If that's what you so wish.” He apologized deeply feeling a bit of guilt at his own wording.

Your money won't replace Ink.” Error commented and didn't look at him again.

Multiverse SwitchDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora