Chapter 51 - Help

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"Error, I could do it."


"We need to get to their good side! Healing the prince would be our jackpot!" Ink reasoned out.

"Will he really not mind?" Error asked.

He was scared that Geno's perspective will be the same as Fresh's. If they made the wrong step...

"We don't have anything to make sure but we have to gamble it." Ink insisted.


Just by thinking of the conversation that morning was making Error nervous. They could help. Possibly gain their trust and alliance; there was a high possibility. Fresh wanted Geno cured? Then they'll do it. The table during that very morning was awkward.

A King, an Assassin, a Cyfrin Prince, a Slave and a Hostage. Cross was the one most uncomfortable of them and kept scratching at the cuffs around his wrists. The artist didn't notice them before... they must be inhibitor rings.

They ate at complete silence. Fresh was the first to stand up and excuse himself. He walked up to one of the maids and slipped out a pair of his shades, one of the lenses had a crack. He gave an order which she followed quickly. Fresh noticed Error staring so he grinned back.

"I have duties so entertain yourselves until then, see ya'" Once again he did his exit with the pink mist.

It must be his ability... and maybe being a parasite. He heard Lust stand up excusing himself to bring food for Horror. The destroyer looked at Ink. The artist looked back and gave a lazy shrug indicating his lack of will to follow him. Fine, he stays while he would go and get any information from Lust.

"Could I come with you?" Error asked before Lust could leave. The assassin smiled. "Of course, that'll be fine."

The previous Fourth General followed right after. He gave one last look behind before closing the door.

Ink sighed and slumped further down his seat as the door echoed close. The maid had disappeared doing other duties. He looked at Cross who was already staring. The artist took noticed of the bracelets and winced.

"Does it hurt?" Ink asked.

"What?" Cross echoed.

"The Inhibitor Cuffs. Do they hurt right now?" Ink pointed.

Cross followed his gaze and responded. "Oh no, only if I use my ability. It shocks me."

Best not get close to it.

"I didn't expect to see you here... it really surprised me." Cross said.

Ink blinked and nodded slowly. "We were planning to go home..."

"I'm glad you are home but... I do miss my family." Cross said as he stood up.

"I've been wanting to go home too..." Ink

"Aren't you now?"

Ink gave a low chuckle. "Hardly."

"You're not from here?" Cross was confused with the amusement truthfully.

"Never been."

Cross finished his food. A glass was set on the table near Cross and an immediate frowm set up on the monochrome's face as he skid his chair away from the table.

"May... May I skip drinking that? I would prefer a glass of water... please." Cross requested.

Ink had to process the words before he was snickering and dying of laughter. "You still hate cows?"

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