Chapter 32 - Truth

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Ink stayed silent, not moving from his spot.

His instinct of fight or flight was currently whacking the flight button but he decided not to because Dream was right by the only entrance with a sword. He slowly placed down the crown and took slow steps in turning around.

"Feeling better now, I hope?" Dream asked and Ink hesitantly nodded.

First kept on staring so the artist decided that it was useless to act innocent. "I'm completely fine."

First moved away but Ink decided that in this tight room and outside with millions of guards, it wasn't worth escaping and that was absolutely not because he can't take them on but because he didn't know where to go.

"My coaxing must have encourage you well then."

Ink doesn't know if this guy was being ridiculous or not but he decided to voice his thoughts.

"In truth, your stunt earlier just added my trust issues against others." Ink grimaced as the smile flashed back to his mind.

That small pride within Dream was completely extinguished as he slumped down his bed. "I can see that." He looked at him and smiled. "Are you longing for Error?"

Ink scowled at the question. He had had enough of this charade Dream was playing with him. What's with the sudden mention of Fourth?

"You know what? I'm done. Tell me, what do you want?"

Dream just kept his innocent act a little bit longer. "Oh, whatever are you implying, Ink?"

"You won't just snatch me away so suddenly for nothing. I'm just a slave, what could I possibly do?"

"You caught up pretty fast."

"It was obvious."

"Right, it was. It was so apparent like unlocking your leash." First commented with a teasing smirk and it frustrated him even more.

"Just spit it out."

"You really are peculiar."

Ink rolled his eye lights, letting words fly out his mouth and curses to run in his mind. "So I am an exotic item now."

"If you put it that way." Dream shrugged but stopped teasing the other much longer. "I've seen you before..."

The artist wasn't surprise though. This might not be the first time Fourth General had shown his slave infront others. There might be gatherings and such that slaves were showcased through the crowd that it gave everyone notes of which slave is which. When First continued, he knew he was right not to react so suddenly.

"You were so silent back then, never once I heard you speak and staring at you was might as well standing infront a mirror, blank and reflective." He paused for a moment then continued. "Then one day, before a mission from the King, I saw you with Fourth by the window. You looked so happy with him, staring with fondness by a distance as you both lay down the snow and for Error to pick you up when you fell asleep."

Ink held his breath for a moment as he thought of for anything like that and when he did, a small blush spread on his face. "I'll pretend that I did not hear that about us laying down the snow."

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