Chapter 60 - Atalante and Cyfrin

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It was almost too beautiful and normal day to be considered the day of the future will change within this land.

Ink shifted his gaze to another set of enemy soldiers innocently but even with less hostile stance couldn't shake off the tensing the focused group made. He mentally threw up his hands in surrender. The artist wasn't going to maul them! Although they really were well-equiped. It's nice that they perceived Cyfrin as threat and not a joke.

Fresh stood in between Error and him. His stance was relaxed and carefree but the underlying wariness with his hand hovering over the sword was too small to be noticed. Error stood there just as tense as Ink was in the whole situation. Nightmare stood few feet in front of them, hands in his pockets as the tentacles wriggled in agitation; training his sight on the Prince of X Domain beside Fresh with the King of Cyfrin laying a grounding free hand on the monochrome's shoulder. On the dark twin's right was Killer betraying no emotion in his face.

Even with the distrust, both parties avoid drawing out even a glint of the blades. Fresh and Nightmare took steps forward with their guards following in tow. They met now only inches from each other. An almost taunting grin stretched on Fresh's teeth. The first few sunlight dabbed the crown on his head. Up close, Nightmare's eye socket twitched at the bright colors adorning Cyfrin's Ruler contrasting greatly to his muted ones.

"Shall we begin, King Nightmare?" Fresh asked. Nightmare gave a nod.

Cross tensed a little as the hand on his shoulder shifted to his back and he was gently brought in the middle. He caught Nightmare's distaste but did nothing but watch the King's hand hold up for a handshake. The hand glowed its blueish color as the King spoke.

"I, King Nightmare of Atalante. Ruler after the Royal family Joku, hereby declares my surrender."

Ink blinked in surprise. This was the first time he heard the real name of Nightmare's kingdom. He had been staying there but no one would speak of it that he automatically decided that Nightmare might not have enough creativity and effort to give a name to his kingdom.

Killer had seen magical contracts with death as penalty a handful of times while he watched his parents negotiate and trade. First watched Fresh's hand inch closer and almost grasping before Killer's breath hitched.

Cross didn't register he was yanked back, almost choking from his scarf.

Black looming substance contrasting the white ground.

Blue strings.

Wind and surroundings blending and spinning around the monochrome prince.

Solid surface.

He opened his eye sockets and even with shaky vision, he recognized the morning sky even with gray clouds. His ears rang and he barely had time to hear someone yelling and his wrists being pulled. Cross's world seemed to turn again as he was sat up with a knee supporting his back. He could see the vast trees and small hills and mountains. This was the best view in being in a high place.

Wait, a high place-

"Cross? Are you with us? Can you hear me?"

He felt his soul beat in time with his heavy breaths as his disorientation settled to gaze down the rainbow tinted transparent platform and see a huge black tentacle where all of them once stood, protruding from the ground. Fresh flipped over another that tried to grab his foot and teleported visibly farther and nearest to his army. That's what he had saw earlier then...

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