The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On

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After I asked Geno to marry me rumors started to spread. Seemed everyone had heard of our marriage. It was wonderful. We placed the ceremony at Reapertale, in Life's garden in the underground. It was still as wonderful as when I met Tori.

There were a lot of guests. Chara and Frisk were there. Luckily Chara was fine from the Fatal incident. Along with Fell- surprisingly.

I'm sure Lust and Fell made up afterward with Fell saving Lust. Fell apologized about his words, and Lust apologized about...another incidence that Fell wouldn't talk about with the others. I think he only talked about it with Sans apparently, but Sans wouldn't spill about what it was about.

Patch's still with Geno. Despite the major flaws and differences Geno sees in this Papyrus, he can still feel that it's HIS Papyrus- despite if it's code taken from other ones.

Thistle and Lavender were there! Lavender decored the whole marriage with flowers really. They were black and red roses, with occasional lilies.

Of course, the bad sanses and Star sanses were there to support me. Dust seemed awfully close to Blue. Lust was all over Horror, not that Horror minded it.

Cross and Killer sat next to Nightmare. Incubux was there. That baby looked terrifying to me. 

Ink, Error, and Dream also were there with children. Ink held Paperjam who was tugging on his scarf and eating it half the time. Error held Gradient since Gradient wasn't a nuisance and was mostly asleep. Dream held Palette who was mostly eating apple sauce.

I don't think G Sans showed up for some reason. It was odd. He was able to come, I guess he just didn't want to.

Of course, Papyrus, Undyne, and all of my other friends were there. Along with all the other wolves that wanted to watch in the back. Although- a lot of people were confused as to why some of them looked like them...but wolf form. I'm sure the other Gods were there watching us in a void. Life was so gracious to wed us.

I'm pretty sure Ink tried to make Geno wear a dress but he refused. So we both wore suits. Geno looked great in anything he tries though.

After the kiss and throwing a bouquet to the crowd - Which Blue and Dust caught together.

We had a party and that was that. We were finally married.

Time went by after that, soon we decided we were finally ready for kids. Those nights were....very memorable.

We had three kids before we stopped.

The first one we named Goth

The second one we named Raven

Lastly, the third one was named Shino

Goth took up after Geno. Raven took up after me. Shino....hell I guess she's in the middle.

Also- for some reason, Shino's a girl. Don't know how it happened since most sanses are male. I'm accepting of it, Geno is as well. No one seems to have a problem with it.

Goth seems to be the shy quiet type, Raven is much more outgoing about his personality. Shino is a drop of sunlight to us.

During that time seems everyone went into peace. Everyone seemed inspired by us and our parenting skills that some of the others had little monsters themselves.

Seems Dust and Blue had 2 kids. Sprinkle and Fury.

Horror and Lust had 2 as well. Aika and Lurro.

Nightmare and Cross had another child as well named Moonlight.

By the time I'm telling you this they're all about 17-18.

"DAD!!" Goth called out to me. Which so rudely stopped my monologuing to catch the reader up on what has happened.

"What is it Goth?" I asked, "We're about to go to the mall! Hurry up and get ready!" Goth rushed me. He seemed excited. I bet it's because Palette is going with, along with their friends.

Since they were little baby bones Goth and his friends always grew up with each other. We did that so there'd be no conflict or war in the future when they grew up.

Raven came out of his room, seeming ready to go. "Dad- stop spacing out, get ready!" Raven chuckled. "What do you mean?" I asked. Raven covered his mouth giggling.

"You're still wearing your Powerpuff girl pajamas, along with your Twilight Sparkle slippers!"

I looked down at myself. Oh right, I did just get out of bed. "Oh- Haha! Yeah! Let me go get ready!" I walked swiftly upstairs to Geno's and my room. Geno was still asleep on our bed. Geno told me to watch the kiddies this time since he was way too tired. Something about some meeting with Ink and the others.

I took off my pajamas and put on my normal black shirt, pants, and cloak. I went into the bathroom and cleaned myself up, ready to go.

I left my room with Goth, Raven, and Shino all ready before me. Shino was bouncing in excitement. "Come on! To the mall!" Shino squealed all excitedly like.

I chuckled, opening a portal to Undertale. The place in Undertale was their new mall that was opened by MTT. 

Waiting nearby was Incubux, Paperjam, Gradient, Palette, Lurro, Aika, Sprinkle, and Fury.

They all planned to go to the mall just to have fun. Goth sped-walked over to Palette before hugging him. Palette giggled, hugging them back. "Nice to finally see you!" Goth smiled.

"It hasn't been that long since you saw me! We practically see each other every week!" Palette chuckled nervously with a yellowish-green tint on his face.

Raven and Shino caught up. I kept my space between the group, despite me being the supervisor. 

"We're all ready to go?" Raven asked. Everyone nodded and started to make their way inside the mall. I stayed behind them like I wasn't even there. It wasn't too crowded. Probably from the fact that this mall is WAY too huge. If it was a reasonable size I'm sure it'd be too crowded, but from how many souls were inside this place is way out of proportion.

"What should we look at first?" Palette asked everyone. "Let's just look around and go in any place that seems interesting!" Sprinkle suggested.

Winging it I guess.

They all agreed, conversing with each other about what they did recently in the meantime till they find something.

Goth and Palette were more focused on themselves than what the others were talking about as a group.

Ya' know. Being a person who's figured love out for's painful to watch those two now. I guess it was hard for the others to watch me when I met Geno.

How it was so obvious they liked each other but they never made any moves on each other.

It's what I have to watch forever now. Geno said to let them figure it out, but how will they figure out anything if they're just content with keeping their feelings to themselves. The least I want to do is give them a little push.

There was soon a strong scent of coffee that caught my attention. I looked at the group wandering around and where the coffee was coming from.

A cafe.

I debated my morals on leaving the kids alone and getting coffee.

I pulled out my phone and texted Goth since he's the oldest.

< Hey, Goth. I'm getting coffee. Don't get lost. Be back at the entrance by 3.

I then left the group alone to be teenagers, how are they gonna grow up with me always there to watch them. Once Goth even noticed the text, I was already gone. Getting myself a Starbucks.

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