The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?

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Fell was laying in a hospital bed in Alter nursing room. His shirt and jacket were taken off, revealing his ribcage that had bandages placed by Alter.

Lust was devastated as Fell was barely living by a string. Sans was also fearful if Fell was going to live or not. Reaper couldn't help but have the urge to just kill off Fell in his temporary fallen state, but he knew Geno and most of all Life would be angry.

Alter gave Reaper some bandages, "Here! This should help with your cut wrist and ankles," Alter said. Reaper took the bandages, "Thank you, really, but I'll be fine," Reaper said. Alter hummed in a concerned fatherly way before Reaper scoffed with a smile, "Fine, I'll keep them," Reaper agreed

Alter smiled happily, "Is everyone else alright?" Alter asked, "Yeah, I'd hope," Ink said. "W-What are we suppose to do now?..." Lust whimpered

G Sans felt so heartbroken. He wanted to get close to comfort him...but he's in love with Horror...

G Sans looked down, and Alter noticed his depressed expression. "We'll just have to pressure him a lot, we can't tie him down, he probably knows how to get out of rope-"

"How many are going to die?..." Lust asked, "...Huh?" Ink questioned, "HOW MANY ARE GOING TO DIE?!... Fell gonna be first right?... How many people are going to disappear forever!?..." Lust yelled

Everyone seemed quiet, cause, truly...they really didn't know how many they were going to lose in this war...

"I'll never get the chance to say sorry now! I'm such an idiot for doing that, for- ...GETTING HIM RAPED JUST CAUSE HE CALLED ME A SLUT!!!" Lust yelled, admitting his own mistake to the others

"Tch- ...Only because I was being petty and angry, but now that he sacrifice himself for me...for Horror...I can never make it up to him now..." tears seemed to have fallen from Lust's eyes before he shoved everyone out the way and left.

Everyone seemed silent, Dream felt everyone tension. "Umm...let's take a break, we'll split into groups whenever Fatal_Error starts something, okay? For now, we rest..." Dream smile

Everyone agreed and left the room, except for a few people. G Sans stayed with Alter, Ink, Dream, Blue, Sans, Reaper, Frisk, and Chara.

Sans stayed close to Fell as Fell's breathing was hoarse and slow. Sans whined he hoped Fell get better.

Blue sighed, "Things are going bad, as usual, and when I think these meetings are over..." Blue groaned, "I'll be fine, we'll get our break soon once this...Fatal_Error problem is fixed..." Dream said.

"About that," Chara spoke, "I found a weak spot," she said. Everyone looked in interest. Alter was comforting G Sans a little.

"When I cut Fatal_Error chest he seemed to have stopped to get away from us. He teleported into town and once we found him, he was staying away, doing far combat with us, than what he was doing before...I think I reopened the scar for when he was Geno," Chara said

"What are the odds that a Chara reopens Geno scar," Ink chuckled

"I guess we kill him from that then," Reaper grinned, Frisk whimpered quietly, "But first we break each and every bone in his body, making sure he stays awake in the pain...torturing him to force him to tell me where Geno is...then I'll keep his sockets open by force as I cut through his chest, ripping and breaking him into small piece till he's nothing but pieces of bones on the ground TURNING TO DUST LIKE THE WALKING DEAD MONSTER HE IS FOR TAKING AWAY MY GENO!!!" Reaper growled with an evil grin on his face.

Everyone looked at him weirdly, "Y-Yeah, more or less," Ink muttered. "Oh! By the way!" Blue said to distract Ink and Dream for a while, "Who'd you leave your kids with?" Blue pointed out.

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