The Story of a Reaper- Found You!

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As Reaper and Dream kept training, taking breaks and practice using magic, Reaper got the hang of summoning and using bones and changing they're patterned.

"Hey Dream!" Ink said coming from the stone house walking up to us, "What's up Ink?" Dream replied, "I was wondering if I could take Reaper out for a walk" Ink said, "What? Where would we be going?" I asked, "It's a secret, I can only show you if I have permission" Ink said with a smile, "Sure, just make sure that you come back before lunch" Dream said smiling back.

"Come on Reaper! It'll be fun!" Ink said as we started to walk in the forest. "Ink, what if we get lost?" I asked, "Don't worry! I've been here and back a lot, and if we were supposedly to get lost, your leaving a trail! So we can't get lost" Ink said smiling. He made me feel good that I had this power it reassure me that my power can be good.

Finally we where at a clearing near a cliff. "Here we are!" Ink said sitting at the edge of the cliff looking at the view. It was a field of grass and a few building here and there. The sun made the grass shine in a bit of gold as the wind swayed it back and forth.

"Woah! So cool!" I said sitting next to Ink, "I know right! We only have a few minutes before we have to head back, so take it all in while you can!" Ink said smiling. I smiled back and stalked the view, making sure I saw everything the eye could see.

As Reaper enjoyed the view the knights were in the forest looking for more clues.

"Say Cross, what if they aren't in the forest" I asked "Error, they have to be in the forest, they're isn't any place that they could stay other then the forest" Cross said, "Right, sure..." I said looking to the side.

"What are we even looking for?" Killer asked, "Footprints, and if I'm correct, it will lead us to Dream and the child themselves" Cross said.

"Okay, but shouldn't we split up to cover more ground?" Horror asked, "No, if we were to split up, and one of us find the child, we could die easily, and if one of us find Dream we can still die easily" Cross explain

"Just focus on the task at hand!" I told them as we kept looking around for footprints.

After looking for a while they found dead footprints. "Okay, Me, Error, and Fell will find the child, while you three will go where the child was a few minutes ago" Cross instructed, "If you see Dream, don't be seen, and don't show yourself, no matter what! Just figure out what they're planning on doing" Cross said as the three of them nodded.

We went on our separate ways as Cross, Fell, and I follow the footprints to a cliff were Ink and the child was sitting at, "Well, I think it's almost lunch time! What do you say we go back home?" Ink asked the child, "Sure!" The child said with happiness in his voice.

Cross, Fell,and I stayed hidden in the trees. "Fell, trap Ink" Cross told Fell as he summoned bones from the ground surrounding Ink. Ink couldn't go anywhere but down the cliff. The child looked confused and scared, "What the?!-" Ink said baffled.

"Error get the child!" Cross instructed me as I took my strings and tried wrapping the child in my strings but he kept on dodging, "Whose there?!" The child asked.

Cross was angry, and didn't plan to fail Nightmare, "Fell, try and making him run into Error strings" Cross said, as Fell did what he ordered as Cross did the same thing, bit with small knifes.

Ink tried to find a way out of his cage, but the only way he could leave is by falling down the cliff. Ink decided to tried and cling on the cliff and climb his way to the child as the child kept dodging our attacks. For a child he had a fast reflex.

Ink was trying to pass the bone cage and get to the child, Fell figured to make Ink fall as he started to try and guess where Ink was on the side of the cliff as he made bones shoot out of the cliff.

The child notice this and was distracted causing me to finally capture the child in my strings. "LET ME GO!!" the child screamed as Ink finally got up from the cliff. I attached the child to a tree and tied him there.

"Error! I know it's you! Let Reaper go!" Ink screamed at me. "Sorry no can do, I'm just following orders" I said as Cross, Fell, and I came out of the tree for Ink to see us.

"He's a child! He's done nothing wrong!" Ink said pulling out his paintbrush, "He killed a child! And a guard! We're only keeping the balance in check, he's too powerful to exist!" Cross said as he pulled his two giant knifes out.

"That was an accident, let him go!" Ink said as he came towards us and started attacking us.

As Ink fought Cross, Error, and Fell. Reaper struggled to get out of Error strings.

'These strings are too tight!' I thought to myself as I struggled to get out as the strings cut through my wrist as I started to bleed.

The tree I was attached on was turning black as fragile. I tried banging my hands on the tree so it would break so I have more space to move, but I was weak.

I remember that I could summon a few bones, but it was hard to do so. I tried concentrating on summoning bones and follow the directions that Dream gave me when I summoned my first bone.

"Remember, put yourself in a simulation. Pretend that the people you love is about to die...before it's too late"

I closed my eyes and thought of something.

I imagined that Ink got capture and took me with Ink then they attached me and Ink to thick poles and started to torcher Ink by stabbing him over and over, laughing at him as Ink cried, bleeding constantly.

I could only watch, powerless, as I cried for the three of the bad people to stop. But once I did so, they pushed the pole I was on over to Ink, making me kill Ink...

I was afraid and sad...I didn't want that to happen...I REFUSE TO LET THAT HAPPEN!!!

I started to summon bones to makes holes in the tree so there was more space for me to move. The monster named Error took notice and started to tried to capture me again.

But I moved out of the way so he couldn't catch me, he got frustrated and kept on attacking as I dodged.

Ink smiled at me as I smiled back. Error stopped using his strings and started to attack with his own bones, they looked black and glitched.

"Give up already!" He told me. I didn't want to give up,ni wanted to make Ink proud of me, so I kept dodging and attacking. I was getting used to using my power as I kept dodging and attacking.

Error was getting mad, he started to use these blasters, and I didn't know what to do, I've never seen these, Error noticed my fear and smile with Insanity as he kept blasting left and right.

He figured my weakness...

Ink took notice and ran over to me, but failed since he was too busy fighting the monster named Cross and Fell.

"What happened to dodging?!" Error said laughing insanely. Error had a Blaster above him as he walked over to me, as I backed up near the edge of the cliff

"You have no where to go...GIVE UP!" Error yelled threatening to shoot me. I didn't want to get capture, but I didn't want to get hurt...or worst...die...

"Now...don't be difficult, and come with me!" Error said as he took out his strings.

He was about to surround me with his strings, but I took a leap of faith, and jumped off the cliff, falling...

Error watched in worry as he saw me fall, I heard Ink screamed as he rushed over to the cliff ans looked down at me as the two other monsters looked at me fall with a worried look on there face.

I smiled, about to except my date, but I felt an instinct telling me to open my wings and fly.

I tried to balance myself in the air, my stomach facing the ground as I opened my wings as I shot up in the air, all the way back to he cliff and a little bit higher, as I started to hover in the air.

Ink smiled, as I smiled back.

The other three monster looking in anger as Ink ran away in the forest as I flew above Ink, following Ink as the three monster followed Ink.

I alerted Ink about them, as he painted the ground with paint running away. The three monster stopped running once they stepped on the paint, as a sudden dome stopped them, I giggled as I flew down to the ground to run with Ink. "Don't scare me like that!" Ink said as I giggled more, "Sorry" I said as we continued to run away.

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