The Story of a Reaper- Baby birds

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Reaper, Papyrus, and Undyne then came back to Snowdin. Undyne went back to her house, and Papyrus went back into there room to practice on new attack patterns.

Reaper thought about Life and where she was hiding. Her face of disgust amused him. Reaper decided to find something about her, who better to ask is Gerson.

Reaper teleported to the library, where Gerson likes to go to when he's free. Sitting at a wooden table and chair, is Gerson, reading made by Gaster that's about magic.

"Hey there!" Reaper said, getting Gerson attention. "Oh! Sans, it's just you!" Gerson said, chuckling a bit. "How can I help you?" Gerson asked, "I was wondering if you can give me some information about the queen" Reaper asked, walking up to Gerson.

"Oh, mmmhh...I would give you a book to read, but I don't think they have books about her, although I know her personally- Why do you need to know anyways?" Gerson asked, "Uh- A little history lesson for Papyrus" Reaper responded, "Mmh, makes sense for him to learn about queen Toriel, or he'd be mistaking her for King Asgore, heh!" Gerson said, chuckling to himself.

"Anyways! Here's your answer," Gerson said before continuing, "Queen Toriel, of course, is the queen of the underground- well sorta. Once King Asgore declared war on mortals out of anger, the queen left him into hiding. Some monster say she hides in the Spring forest, but that's just rumors," Gerson said.

It's more then's the truth

"The queen is the goddess of Life, she can heal anything, and create anything that has, or can hold a life. Her fire balls contains her life, and can soon form into a soul once in a host." Gerson said.

"But that's about it, the queen hides from Asgore, angry at him, also the King lives in sorrow for the lost of his wife" Gerson said.

Blackmail...the thing he needed...

"Thanks Gerson, I think I know the rest" Reaper said, "Glad to help!" Gerson said as Reaper left the library.

Reaper went back to his house with a smirk, "Tomorrow gonna be fun!~" Reaper said as he walked upstairs to play with Papyrus.

The next day, while Papyrus was at the library with Gerson and Undyne, Reaper decided to mess with a certain someone.

Reaper teleported back to the Spring forest, luckily he remembered the place Toriel hid, so it was easy to go there by pure memory. Toriel wasn't there though, probably cleaning up Papyrus mess from yesterday.

Reaper rested under a tree in Life sanctuary. The grass under his back started to die, as the sound of crunching came from under Reaper. Reaper felt himself get tired and tired, but before he could fall asleep, Life came back.

Life noticed Reaper laying on the grass that died. "Your back again..." Life said with a dark voice, "Don't worry, just pretend I'm not here" Reaper replied, Life growled. "Why are you here in the first place? Don't you have something better-" "Would you rather me reaping souls?" Reaper interrupted Life.

Life huffed and gave Reaper a death glare, "...Fine, do as you will..." Life said, giving Reaper an agree look. Reaper shrugged acting like an angel, as Life started to mind her own business, as Reaper observed her.

This happened for days, Reaper hanging out with Life in her sanctuary.

He watched Life make flowers, and other plants to add to her sanctuary. She even fixed the barrier that Reaper destroys every times he comes.

One say, Life and Reaper watched baby birds hatch. "Hey, what's it called when the first born kicks it sibling out of the nest? An execution!" Reaper said, as he chuckled to himself. Life growled at his dumb pun.

"If you don't leave me alone, I will incinerate you!" Life threatened as fire balls surrounded her, "And what makes you so sure I wouldn't slip where you've been hiding all this time?" Reaper said with a shrug and a wink, "YOU. WOULDN'T. DARE!" Life said angrily, "Oh, I would~ I bet Asgore would reward me if I told him where is runaway wife is" Reaper said, chuckling to himself.

"I'm NOT his wife! And he has no business knowing where I am!" Life told Reaper, "Then be nicer to me, and I won't tattle" Reaper said, floating around in the air chillaxing. "Is this...blackmail?" Life asked darkly. Reaper gave Life a surprised look at her dark tone...he kinda liked it, "...Nah, just a joke" Reaper replied.

Life was surprised at his answer

"If I tell them your here, the where am I suppose to go and laze around without my brother or my father bugging me about work, your the only one that let's me off easy from the job" Reaper replied.

"You sound like you don't like your job..." Life replied.

It was true, he didn't like killing, but, life in the multiverse needed him. "It...makes me bone-tired..." Reaper replied has he put his hood over his head.

Life gave a small smile, "Ha..." she said quietly as they continued on with there day.

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