The Story of a Reaper- SLUT!

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"Right, what's the problem?" Blue said, walking in the palace through a portal. "Well..." Dream said, fidgeting with his fingers. Blue looked at the two skeleton on the floor tied together. "...Is that Dust and Killer?" Blue asked. Ink and Dream nodded.

Blue groaned, "What do we do?" Dream asked. Dust was knocked out, while Killer was still awake..but he was tired. "Lets put them in the dungeon for now" Blue said, squeezing the bridge on his nose with his hand.

Dream and Ink nodded and dragged them in the dungeon, in separate jail cells. "I'll check on them in a while," Dream said. Blue, Ink, and Dream started leaving the room, "Let's go see how Reaper is doing" Dream said.

Killer heard Reaper name. So the star dummies kidnapped Reaper...but how?? Killer thought. Killer stayed quiet for the time being.

Reaper, on the other hand was running on a treadmill. Sci wanted to note his stamina, and how fast he could run.

G Sans was there as well with Geno, Lust, and Sci. As much as G Sans didn't like him hear, he didn't say anything and just glared at him. Lust looked nervous, and distracted. "Hey Lust," G Sans said. Lust jumped and looked at G Sans, "Y-Yes?" Lust stuttered, "You look like you had something on you mind...wanna tell us?" G Sans said.

Lust looked to the side and started to sweat, he hummed unconformably, "You can always talk to us" Geno encouraged, "Yeah, were here for you!" Sci said. Lust smiled a little, "Well...I-I sort of...have a c-crush on someone, and I'm debating...if I tell them my feelings or not..." Lust said.

"You should totally tell them! You can't keep your feelings in forever you know!" G Sans said, "Yeah! They should know about your feelings so your bond can be closer!" Geno said, "What if we don't h-have a bond, and I spectate them from a far?" Lust asked, "Well! You can make a new bond, and if your lucky, they'll date you either way!" Geno said, "But its best to prepare for the worst before you tell them. Who knows, they might deny you, so you must be prepared to except there own feelings" Sci said.

"Right..." Lust said, "But still, go for it! We're all rooting for you!" Sci said, "And if they do hurt you, then were gonna have a nice little chat with your crush if they make you even frown a little!" G Sans said creepily.

Lust chuckled awkwardly, "S-Sure thing G..." Lust told G, "He's right thought, I'll make sure they pay for making you sad!" Geno said crossing his arms, "I appreciate it!" Lust said with a smile, "It's what friends and teammates are for! We look out for each other!" G Sans said

Lust smiled, "Right!...I guess I'll tell them..." Lust said, "When?" G Sans asked, "...Now I guess? Before I chicken out..." Lust said opening a portal to an AU, "Okay! Good luck!" G Sans said.

Lust walked through the portal to the AU. Lust walked to the door and hesitated with knocking on his crush door, but he forced himself to and waited. He sweated and forced himself to stay put till they answered the door.

Soon the door opened and revealed his crush.

"What do you wan-" Fell said through the door, drinking a mustard bottle till his stopped mid sentence looking at Lust with a froze expression. "I'm sorry to intrude, but I need to tell you something Fell" Lust continued.

"For a l-long time, I've been watching you, a-admiring you from a far...your confidence, how you d-don't care about others and what they think, your care free vibe...I admire it all, I wish I had w-what you had...and I-I c-can't help but like in...LIKE LIKE you...I was hoping you'd consider-"

"Consider? Consider what bitch?!" Fell spat at Lust, as tiny splashes of mustard fell from his mouth onto Lust face. Lust looked at Fell with shock and heartbreak, "Why would anyone wanna like you? Except for your own sexual kind! Whore!" Fell yelled, "Only a SLUT like yourself can love you!" Fell yelled. Lust looked down, tears falling down his face, "Your also a creep! You stalker, your must be desperate for a about you tell Undertail Sans how much you want to fuck him...or how about you rape your own brother like you live in Alabama! HAHAHAHA! Your such an idiot to think that I'd like you back, cock sucking, kinky SLUT!" Fell exclaimed, "...I was just hoping you..." Lust stopped talking, "Stop hoping, cuz its never gonna happen for someone like you, consider karma for raping people...hell you probably took the virginity of a TREE!!!" Fell said.

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