The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire

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As Reaper and Geno kept walking, Reaper seemed to look around for any hints as to what happened. Geno soon pointed out a library, "Hey! How about we go in there?" Geno asked, knowing how much Reaper likes to read books

Reaper glanced at Geno and the library and shrugged, "Sure, why not," he agreed as Geno tugged at his arm pulling him inside the small library with a small ding of a bell as they entered. Geno let go of Reaper hand as he looked in awe

Reaper found it a bit silly at Geno amazement at a library...but maybe because it's medieval-themed that's grabbing his attention.

Geno then went to wander around as Reaper went to go find a history book, a newspaper, or anything to hint at what has happened since he's been gone.

Once Reaper did he started reading it, looking and scanning through all the irrelevant stuff.

What he gathered was that after Nightmare and Dream death, the Sun kingdom would rule, Khole, Dream friend being the queen of everything, Ink, and Blue being her knights.

They instilled that everyone is treated with kindness and all that happy jolly good stuff that doesn't really matter to Reaper.

The people have also been told if found of a mysterious person, to report to a guard for suspicions of bad intent.

Reaper rose a brow at that, before getting a bit more paranoid. Have the two of them been...suspicious?

Reaper closed the book and placed it back on the shelf to go find Geno. "Gen Gen?" he called. "Huh?" he called back. There was a sudden entry into the library as Reaper went to go find Geno before stumbling in front of the knight, Ink, and Simon with a guard behind them

"It's him! He's suspicious!" Simon pointed. Ink looked at Reaper and Reaper looked in a bit of worry. Ink felt as if he knew them but shrugged it off before grabbing his paintbrush, splashing Reaper suddenly with paint which turned to chains.

"A'ight! If you say so!" Ink shrugged, taking a loose chain to tug him to the other guards to take. "Take him to our kingdom," Ink ordered as they nodded and left.

Geno then soon found the small crowd. "Reaper?" Geno called before looking at them in confusion. It seemed the guards have already left, dragging Reaper on the concrete ground-

"Where did he-?" Geno was confused. Ink was also suspicious of Geno but paid no mind to him...although...he reminded him a lot of Geno...a fallen knight to King Dream.

Ink turned to leave before Geno stopped them, "W-Wait! Have you seen a skeleton in all black?" Geno asked Ink as Ink stopped in his footsteps

"I swore I heard his voice-" Geno said before getting interrupted, "I suggest you keep looking around," Ink soon left the library to go deal with the suspicious person.

Simon nodded as he crossed his arms before leaving. Geno felt as if Reaper wasn't here. He couldn't feel his deathly presents so he also left the library to wander around the castle's town to try and find Reaper while calling his name.

Once Reaper arrived at the castle in a cage-like when he was little he was being dragged inside the cage to go see Khole, to be judged and questioned.

This gave Reaper a lot of nostalgia. It reminded him of being dragged to go be judged by king Nightmare, except this time he's much more chilled back, having been in a situation like this already.

The tapping of the guards feet echoed the hallway. Till another pair of footsteps entered in getting louder as they approached before seeing what is Blueberry from this AU

He glanced over at the guard and me. He rose a brow, especially at me. It was like he knew me, but didn't at the same time. He eyed us as we walked before Blue followed behind us.

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