The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time

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I have followed the pack of wolves, keeping my distance. The one that was black and somewhat looked goopy seemed to dislike me, or either he's nervous and tried to scare me away. Whatever the reason, I want him to be comfortable with me, I don't want him to have a reason to be scared of me.

I wonder where they are going...what are they looking for?

As these question when through my head they seemed to have suddenly crouched. Me being taller then them. I felt a bit awkward, so I got down on my knees and hands and crouched low, copying they.

The greyish white one noticed and seemed to be smirking at me, that is, if wolves can smirk. The wolf pack seemed to be sneaking up on a deer, they must be hungry...

I have a huge sense of deja vu right now...

I feel sick to my stomach, as the thought of those wolves who ate my mother like a free snack started to flood back, as I remembered running away like a coward...

I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to hurt the wolves or the animal, but I don't want the deer to die.

Soon enough the pack of wolves pounced at the deer...and out of late reaction the deer had be torn.

There neck had bite marks, and there body had deep scratches, as there legs were broken. The deer still being alive not able to move was crying in pain.

The wolves just looked at the deer, waiting for it to...die?

What were they waiting on?

The deer kept crying and crying, begging for the pain to stop.

Something pulled at my soul, a feeling, and urge to help stop the end the pain...

I walked over as the wolves noticed and moved aside.

The wolves seemed confused, and a little nervous, they seemed to still have deemed me Un-trusted

I sat down near the deer, as it still kept crying in pain, calling for help...

But only I have came...

I slowly reached over and placed my hand on there stomach, as there movement started to slow down and stop, there cries and screams stopped, as they rested there eyes closed.

They were at rest...

The wolves looked more confused and surprised, they started to sniff at the deer. They seemed to be examining the deer, they're probably confused with my power.

Sadly, they are wolves, and I am a skeleton...skeletons, animals, and humans have different langues, but I was taught the human langues, more specifically, English.

I stood up, and walked back to my spot, so they can exam the deer as much as the please.

The black wolf with one blue eye looked at me with the face of questions.

The walked up to me and sat in front of me...for about three seconds later he started to wimper.

He want's something, but what? Does he want warmth? Want me to stay with him? Or even worst...kill him?

The wolf then laid down on his stomach and started to chew on the grass. He must be hungry?

I patted my stomach, as he looked at my. He started to pant with a smile, that must mean he's hungry.

So they're out looking for food!

Seeing as I can quickly end animals soul, I can do this for good, to help them..but what about the other animals? Well...they are over populating, so I guess it will be alright.

I stood up, as the wolf stood up on it's four feet.

"Lead the way!" I said gesturing him to look for more animal. He and his pack started to sniff the air as they started to lead the way.

After a while, they head lead me to 6 deer's. Each wolf had to carry one, as I was carrying one as well. The one that was greyish red, who liked biting on the bone I summoned was chewing on the deer's leg, dragging it as the black wolf lead the pack. I was in the back, keeping my distance, as we suddenly came to a little opening.

The opening was like a circle, surrounded by trees, in the circle in the back, was a big, rock, or bolder, but it had a big hole in it, maybe it was a cave? In the opening was a bunch of other wolves. Seems this small pack was getting food for there big pack.

They lead me to a pile that they made. Not knowing what to do, I place the deer I was holding in the pile.

I kept on following the black wolf, not knowing what to do. The black wolf found a rock, about his length and laid on it, as he started to close his eye. Seemed like he wanted to take a nap.

I sat in front of him and stared. Soon enough, he opened his eyes slightly and saw me staring. He didn't mind it and closed his eye again.

I was curious to why he was laying that way. I tried copying his pose, be curious to why it seemed comfortable to him. Probably because his body is different from mine.

I wonder what to name the wolf...maybe they already have a name?

Does it matter Reaper?! Get a hold of yourself, you can't even really communicate with them!

If only we can talk to each other...

I'm...a bit...tired...

My eye lids feel...more heavy...the usual.......................................................


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