The Story of a Reaper- Death and Life at each other Doorstep

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Undyne and Papyrus decided to play hide and seek, seeing as they both act like like children, and have nothing better to do, they did so.

Papyrus left a trail of dead footprints, so when Reaper woke up, he'd know where they are.

Papyrus was the hider, Undyne was the seeker. Papyrus would hide up in trees, behind bushes, and in dark areas, to blend in, something he learned called camouflage.

Most of the time, Undyne would find him, being an expert at finding people, and the fact that Papyrus left dead foot prints. But there would be times where it's be very hard to find Papyrus.

Like in one round, Papyrus was under a big pile of dead, crunchy leaves, in a dark area. The leaves naturally fit in with the background, so Undyne didn't notice. Plus, is confused Undyne when his foot trail stopped.

As Papyrus and Undyne kept playing, the guardian of the Spring forest, quickly came out as Reaper slept while Undyne and Papyrus was busy playing. She decided that Undyne and Papyrus knew where Reaper was located, so she removed Papyrus dead footprints, being bothered by them.

She healed the footprints, and quickly went back to her hiding place.

The sudden movement around Reaper woke him up. He looked around and notice Undyne and Papyrus was gone. He'd figure that they were together, otherwise, Papyrus would never leave his side, he knew that Papyrus was loyal to Reaper, and would never trade him for anything.

Anyways, Reaper stood up, feeling a strong life source. He felt his soul tug, and tug. He usually can ignore his urges to kill-a sadistic thing he hides- but now, it's very addicting, and very tempting to see what this life source is.

He followed his soul, curious to this strong source

Reaper stopped in his footsteps, staring a bit...

This was the place they were hiding all this time, a place that Reaper, nor Death never visited before, nor needed to visit. The one place in this multiverse that is free from of Reaper deadly weird

There was even a barrier there, to avoid detection...well, from most people...most people other than Reaper, or maybe even Death...

Behind the vines and leaves, hiding away in nature, was the guardian of the Spring forest. Reaper touched the vines and leaves as the barrier was broken and died.

The goddess Life, herself...standing there peacefully...

How simple.

She wasn't hidden away forever like Reaper would want, if Reaper wanted it to be like that, he'd have to end odd though...the barrier was magic...seemed too common.

I wonder if it's just Fate and his games, or just ironic, that after years of peace for the both of them...

It was them both...standing at each of there doorstep.

Life stared at Reaper, as so did Reaper. Life then realized the flower next to Reaper foot, as it started to crumble, and die into a crunchy, black, dead dust.

Of course, Life KNEW who Reaper was, all that time, Life have given up on killing Reaper, but seeing as if he hasn't change, or what Life feared...gotten WORST, she could handle her creations dying in front of her eyes...she can't stand it...even if a little bug, or a blade of grass.

"It's YOU!" Life said with disgust in her voice. "Well, isn't this a ghastly surprise? So this is where you've been hiding all this time?" Reaper asked smugly, "What;s the matter? Looks like you've seen Dea-"

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