The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait

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Palette, Incubux, Gradient, and PJ were one of the first people to come. Soon after Sprinkle and Fury, and lastly Aika and Lurro.

"This slumber party is going to be fun!" Lurro squealed. "I bought some movies for us to watch and Aika brought some snacks!" Lurro said. Aika held up snacks. "Very yummy snacks!" Aika corrected.

"We bought video games and more board games for us to play!" PJ said very proudly. Palette seemed to stay in the back. Still shaken up by earlier today.

"Great! This party is sure to be amazing!" Raven said, excited. Goth and Shino were in the front room making a fort for them all to be in. "Come over! We can hang out in here!" Shino offered as they all crawled their way inside with blankets and pillows.

"Thanks for inviting us! I was already missing you guys!" Sprinkle said. Fury nodded. Fury is rather quiet but put a thumbs up.

"Of course! We were missing you too! You're all so cool to hang out with!" Raven giggled.

"Want to play a board game?" Shino suggested. They all agreed. Goth could tell Palette was rather quiet. He assumed something had happened, despite his content smile. He's not usually this quiet.

Reaper and Geno were rushing down the stairs from their room. "Uhh- children! We'll be out for a while!" Reaper smirked with a dark blue blush on his face. Geno was startled from the tugging, unable to say anything.

"We're gonna a hotel- for some...important business." Reaper lied.

Reaper was kissing Geno's neck. Geno fell close to Reaper. Melting into the affection before checking himself. "Stop it!" Geno giggled playfully.

"Don't unlock the door or let anyone in that doesn't have a key!" Reaper then rushed Geno out the door to have

The others were unsure of why they were rushing but didn't mind it.

"How about we play Uno first?" Lurro suggests first.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Incubux took out the cards, shuffled, and passed everyone 7 cards.

The game then started. There was plenty of jokes being made. Playful threats throughout the game of getting +2 or +4

There was a fight between Sprinkle and Fury who both had a lot of Uno reverse cards and kept turning it back on each other.

It was all fun!

They moved on to other games when they got bored. Like playing Smash Bros on the TV.

PJ and Incubux always seemed to gang up on Palette.

"Guy quit attacking me!" Palette whined.

"You just suck at the game!" PJ teased. "Yeah! Quit playing and let the actual good people play!" Incubux said.

It was then Goth broke a Smash Ball and attacked Incubux and PJ at the same time, killing them.

"You also need to get good at the game!" Goth trash-talked. "Oh, it's on, Plague boy!" PJ grinned with a challenge.

Goth chuckled, confused at the weird nickname of 'Plague boy'

After they played all the board games and video games they started party games like Truth or Dare

"-Fury! Truth or dare?" Lurro asked, laying on their stomach, kicking their legs.

Fury put up 1 finger for the first choice.

"Is it true that you're interested in Aika?" Lurro eyes were raised suggestively.

Aika blushed slightly, pushing Lurro. "Quit it!" Aika whined, sticking their tongue at Lurro as they giggled

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